The pregnant woman who became famous for worrying about the noise of the works while smoking a cigar

It is a scanned image of a newspaper (you can see it below) in which the news spoke of some works that had interrupted the traffic of the city of Roanoke, in Virginia. In it, a woman appears complaining about the works, for doubting that so much noise can not be harmful to her future baby, while holds a cigarette.

It happened 10 years ago, but the photo is still going around the internet (it came to me a few days ago) because it is so curious and absurd that at that time many people thought it was false, a newspaper joke. But no, everything was real, the news and the photo, and thanks to it Mellisa Williamson became famous.

Works in Roanoke

The news wanted to explain that the works started in Roanoke, which were a new road construction project, had stopped traffic in many areas and many citizens complained, both about the inconvenience for the drivers, and about carrying out a project that few people saw with good eyes.

When a project does not like the neighbors already know, excuses are sought everywhere to try to prevent it, stop it or, at the very least, make it known that it is not agreed. This is what happened with Mellisa, then seven months pregnant, who declared that the works could be affecting your future baby because the noises were terrible. The funny thing is that the photo came out about to take a drag on a cigar, something we all know (and by then it was also known) that it is harmful to the baby, probably much more than any noise from outside.

The photo ran like foam on the internet, the newspaper received complaints about the absurdity of the global message and the woman was again interviewed, not by the works of her city, but by the fact of smoking while pregnant. Apparently, a journalist stayed with her the following week and He entered his office smoking. He explained that many people had told him throughout the pregnancy that smoking was harmful to the baby but that she had another opinion. He explained that he had tried to quit smoking many times, without success, and that the doctor had told him that it would be good to reduce the amount of cigarettes daily, but not to quit smoking altogether, since that would cause a lot of stress on it and also rebound it would cause stress to the baby.

Stress from quitting smoking

This argument is still used by many doctors and, honestly, the risk of low weight and premature delivery does not compensate for the risk of stress that a woman may have for not smoking. Ideally, quit smoking and the sooner the better (In fact, the ideal is to stop smoking a few months before looking for a pregnancy) Some children are irritable after birth, for waiting for their daily nicotine dose. Isn't it very strong that they are like this because of tobacco, when they are barely alive?

Returning to the protagonist. He did not quit smoking, continued with it and he had a big and healthy baby that was not affected by the noise of the works, apparently.

Video: What Happens When You Stop Smoking? (July 2024).