A hole in birth or adoption aid

Something that we think that many of us had escaped on the help of the Spanish Government by birth or adoption, is that many families will be left without it given the number of couples formed by a Spanish man and a foreign woman.

As we said in Babies and more, the baby's mother is the beneficiary of this help, when it would be normal for the beneficiary to be the newborn. Well, only the father can be a beneficiary in the event that the mother dies before requesting the benefit, although there is also the possibility that the mother wishes to transfer the payment to the father.

In case of adoption of a single person, sex will not matter, will receive help, and in case of a same-sex couple, the beneficiary will be the one the couple decides. So well, in Spain there are currently hundreds of couples formed by a Spanish man and a foreign woman, the children born in our country as a result of a mixed couple, are Spanish, but if the mother does not justify the residence of at least two years, she will not be able to request the help of 2,500 euros.

It is surprising, because until last April, Spanish documentation was not required of community foreigners, therefore, there are many women from another Member State of the European Union who cannot prove their residence in Spain of the time required and may not be beneficiaries of the benefit so happily announced.

Fortunately, and as we said yesterday, amendments are being submitted before the adoption of the bill, which does not imply that this is modified unless it is moved.

What is the reason for the columnist from our source, “All these children are going to be treated by the State from their birth as second-class citizens by not having the same rights as other Spaniards born from July 3, but they will have, when they are adults, all obligations to that State that denies certain rights from birth ”

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