Psycho-emotional Development in children with ARA-Psycho-Emotional Psychology

An adequate psycho-emotional development is very important, since the fetus is gestating in the womb, until its total development. The ability to perceive is primarily emotional, the baby perceives its surroundings, processes the stimuli and develops a response.

It is necessary to follow up on a psycho-emotional level, creating a solid and firm base that allows a strong emotional bond in a healthy and loving environment. The love for a child is the basis to meet the emotional needs of the child since it is conceived, it is necessary to convey the love, protection, joy ... in short, it is very important to convey our love and that children feel it.

The introduction we have made is the result of the visit we made to the BioCultura fair that is held until today in Barcelona and where we met ARA-Psycho-Emotional Psychology, a place where the necessary tools are offered to create and develop that emotional bond with your child since he is conceived. One of the main guidelines of ARA-Psychology is that the baby receives the best gift that can be provided, feeling loved, strengthening that special bond between the child and the parents. They offer individual sessions throughout the pregnancy, promoting emotional communication with the baby, laying and consolidating the foundations to create an imperishable affective bond.

They carry out preventive and therapeutic support work, treating negative emotional states such as depression, feelings of guilt, grief and sadness, etc. They also carry out pregnancy and birth workshops using emotional communication with the baby, both at birth and in rearing. These are especially oriented to future parents preparing them to face all stages of baby development, pregnancy, childbirth and early years of life.

There are many options offered by ARA Psycho-emotional Psychology, all workshops are taught by Enrique Blay, an expert development psychologist who can learn a little more through his blog The Emotional Baby, where he also reports on the workshops that imparts, its schedules and location.

Video: Sensation and Perception: Crash Course Psychology #5 (May 2024).