Intense vaginal bleeding at the end of pregnancy

Recently we talked about the small hemorrhages at the end of pregnancy, and today we continue with the issue because we are going to see a case that may be more worrying: severe vaginal bleeding at the end of pregnancy.

We no longer talk about staining but bleeding, when there is a more abundant blood flow and we will need a compress so that the clothes are not stained. There are several causes that can explain the bleeding in the last trimester, but what we have to know in the first place is that, if it occurs, you have to go immediately to the hospital.

This is because there is a risk of abortion and we cannot wait to be controlled and that the cause of the blood loss is determined. If this is accompanied by pain or dizziness, the concern is greater and obviously we will also go to the hospital. These are some Causes of vaginal bleeding at the end of pregnancy:

  • Placenta previa: The placenta grows in the lower part of the womb (uterus) and covers the entire opening to the cervix or a part of it. The main symptom of the placenta previa is sudden vaginal bleeding (accompanied or not with colic), which may stop but may restart again days or weeks later. Since the placenta previa is a risk to the mother and the baby, it has to be detected in time.

  • Premature detachment of the placenta ("abruptio placentae"). The placenta separates partially or completely from the uterine wall before the baby is born. It can happen due to an injury (stroke ...) or a sudden loss of amniotic fluid. In the hospital they will detect if placental abruption has taken place to control the mother and the fetus and, if necessary, perform an emergency C-section or attempt a vaginal delivery if, at the end of pregnancy, the health of the mother and the growth of the fetus allow it.

  • A late spontaneous abortion. If there is a risk of abortion, bleeding may occur, first of all pink or brown; If the bleeding is similar to that of a menstruation, strong and accompanied by pain, the abortion is imminent or may have occurred. The causes of late abortion are related to the health of the mother, the condition of the cervix or uterus, problems in the placenta or exposure to toxic substances. Bleeding can be a sign that there are problems and risk of abortion, so you have to go to the hospital to assess the condition of the mother and the fetus.

  • Premature dilation, before the 37th week of pregnancy. Dilation of the cervix associated with uterine contractions initiates a preterm birth and is accompanied by hemorrhage. It happens before week 37 and, depending on the state of the mother, the hospital will be operated by controlling it and stopping the delivery or continuing it.

Remember that in all these cases we talk about heavy bleeding, and not about small blood spots that may be due to varied causes and that in principle are less worrisome (after having sex, after a medical examination ...).

One in ten women suffer some vaginal bleeding to a greater or lesser extent at the end of pregnancy, in the third trimester, and in some cases it can be serious.

Therefore, and since There are several reasons for severe vaginal bleeding at the end of pregnancy and all can be cause for concern and risk to the health of the mother and the baby, we must see a doctor immediately.

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In Babies and more | Blood losses in the first trimester of pregnancy, Natural abortions: warning signs, Natural abortions: causes and types of abortion

Video: Pregnancy - What could be the reasons for bleeding in the first trimester? BMI Healthcare (July 2024).