During the puerperium, flexibility of schedules

The first days after childbirth pass as in a dream, without schedules, few hours sleeping, visits ... When we get home after giving birth, moms are not in full shape, and what used to be our usual routine can be converted In a great effort. Therefore it is advisable to accept certain flexibility of schedules during the puerperium.

Trying to follow the usual rhythm of some acts as simple as eating, showering or bath time for our children can be done very uphill. The first two days at home, I tried. I would get out of bed to eat with the rest of the family, although I couldn't even sit at the table. I cried because I could more pain and fatigue.

On the third day, I realized that if at the time of eating my baby was calm and resting, the best thing I could do was the same. In fact, my top priority was to rest, not eat. After the restful nap, the food felt much better than the previous days ...

The same happens in the case that our priority is to take a shower, I can assure you that I have needed those repairing showers on more than one occasion to calm the pain and feel fresh and clean. That seems like an advertisement for compresses, but with the recent wound, the lochia, the heat and the revolutionized hormones, he cries for having a shower, because it will be a relief ... And visits or schedules that are worth it do not prevent it.

Bathtime of my daughters was another moment that I relaxed during the first days after delivery. 20 or 20:30 hours may be very early for most people. But for me it was, again, a great fatigue. Advancing bath time has not been a problem for the little ones, even the older one took it as a mid-afternoon soda, which does not hurt with these heats ...

Then, little by little, we recover our usual rhythm, but we should not feel guilty or worried if, During those first days after delivery, we make our schedules more flexible and we adapt to our baby and our physical and emotional needs. We will have time for heroics, to take on all our tasks, when we are recovered and in top form, that everything comes ...

Video: 30 Minute Post Natal Workout----Burn Fat and Tone Up after Pregnancy (July 2024).