Mom, have you rested this vacation?

A few days ago I saw this vignette of Faro referring to what for many mothers become the holidays and I realized that it is quite representative of what happens (or so I think) in many Spanish families.

I remember my childhood vacations with my father hooked on television and with my mother "working" at home without noticing any difference between August and February. If a little more work to be all at home, including my father.

This summer there has been World Cup and the typical preseason games that have had the majority of Spaniards attached to television. Added to this fact are the reminiscences of the past in which The man came home tired after work and had the right to sit and rest while the woman had to continue 100% (or more), work or not.

Times have changed, luckily

For these reasons we are many adults today who agree that we were raised by our mother, because our father communicated rather little and because sometimes it seemed that he was only to throw the biggest fights.

Times have changed, fortunately, for both women and children and now parents are much more involved in everything. Both at work at home and in raising children. I'm not saying it's a 50% deal, because I doubt it reaches that percentage, but It is not difficult to see parents changing diapers, playing with children, making babies babies, pulling a stroller or carrying the baby in the backpack, among many other things.

I think that men, today, are still in the “much help at home” phase, as if the absolute responsibility were of the woman and we were in many cases the “mandates”, but this, like everything else, is a process and now it is normal for our children to see us ironing (making them see it as normal and natural), when in our time seeing dad with the iron was a reason to make jokes.

Maybe in a while, maybe when our children are parents, nobody helps anyone, but that the work is joint in a totally natural way.

Have you rested this vacation

It only remains to ask: Have you rested this vacation? Have you shared the care of your children and the house?

I hope so for the good of the couple and for the good of the children. I have returned to work recently and, although I feel a little sorry, I gain thirty kilos of blow when my wife tells me that Aran, now 19 months old, spends the afternoon calling dad and going to the door of the house waiting to enter for her. This happens because I have been with him and for him. Otherwise, surely he wouldn't wait for me, as I didn't expect my father when I was little ... "Why, if when he enters through the door he will sit down to rest?"

Video: My Dad Went To Las Vegas And Came Back Married (July 2024).