The role of toys

Toys are the companions of all children, with them they have fun, learn, develop skills ... It is necessary to recognize the power that each toy has in our child's learning and try to have the motivations you need at each stage of your growth.

There are toys that provide global motor skills, invite to move all parts of the body, are toys with which you have to jump, run, pedal, etc. These activities help coordinate our movements and be in full physical shape.

There are those that produce sensory development, these toys propose tactile, visual, auditory, gustatory, olfactory games, etc. and help develop sensorimotor intelligence. The space-oriented ones, such as remote-controlled cars, allow the child to acquire the ability to be guided in the environment and, in turn, internalize spatial notions such as front-back, right-left, near-far.

Some toys that are highly recommended are those that develop language, since they favor its use either speaking or writing. With them they can express ideas, feelings and also learn new words.

The toys with which your child has to use his hands and his ability to build or manipulate small pieces are called manual skills, these favor his creativity and precision.

In addition, many toys encourage sociability, since these imply that more children and even the family participate, and if it is a toy that also motivates affectivity, it will allow your child to express different feelings and emotions.

Most of the toys, in one way or another, encourage intelligence, since they make our son think, learn to associate, memorize and his reasoning capacity increases, since he always learns new things.

Video: Early Childhood Development And The Role Of Toys. Fisher-Price Part 1 #AskTheExpert (July 2024).