Plasticine workshops at Baobab Bookstore

The Baobab bookstore Palma de Mallorca is located in the historic center of the city and specializes in children's and youth books. They also carry out very interesting activities to promote the love of reading. One of the most charming is this "Plasticine Workshop" I present today.

Use the plasticine to encourage the habit of reading through creativity and play. While telling a story, children are modeling the figurines suggested by their imagination.

They are also shown the basic techniques of this material so that they can, with their hands, shape the landscapes and characters they want, and thus, link them more directly with the story, making them participate in the pleasure of multidisciplinary creation.

These workshops They are aimed at children from three to fourteen, which makes them more interesting, since it creates a playful space in which socialization takes place in a less restricted environment than very compact age groups, which encourages communication .

The truth is that these "Plasticine workshops" of the Baobab Library I have found a didactic and fun method, in which through active and emotional participation you can achieve the goal of bringing children to the wonderful world of books.

Video: The Secret World of Bugs - Animated Short Film by Anna Huzar (July 2024).