Original crafts with children: Easter eggs made with paper mache

Many children are already on vacation and holidays are also coming, so it is a good excuse to make crafts. Today we bring you an ideal proposal for these dates: Easter eggs made with paper mache, full of surprises.

And it is that inside we can fill it with chocolates, nightmares, all kinds of sweets and various surprises. Great eggs to hide at home or decorate a corner, serve as a culmination for a snack or lunch or play treasure hunt when we go on excursions these holidays.

For make mache paper Easter eggs We need the following: small balloons, white and colored tissue paper, liquid laundry starch, punch, brush, punch, scissors and rope (plus a sturdy glass to work on it the egg).

To decorate the egg

  • Cut the white tissue paper in a rectangle of 25cmx14cm, one of 25cmx11.5 and two of 25cmx9cm. They are the four rectangles that will form the base of the paper mache egg.

  • Cut out squares of colored paper with holes that will be the moles of each egg. To do this, cut a strip of 4cm wide tissue paper (along the entire length of the paper), fold the strip several times until there are squares of approximately 4cm. Then make the holes with the hole punch (it will be easier than by hand) and cut each square separately.

  • Cut several bands of colored paper 2.5cm wide and cut out triangles of different sizes.

To make the paper mache egg

  • Swell each small balloon to get the shape of an egg.

  • With the brush, paint it with liquid starch and place the largest white sheet on it, wrapping it around the widest part of the globe, aligning the upper part so that the knot is reached.

  • Again, with starch, paint on the paper from the center to the top and bottom, letting the fabric wrinkle and add the white paper 11.5cm high and then those 9cm high.

  • Hang the balloons with the rope and let them dry for at least 20 minutes before continuing.

  • Cover the balloons with the colored squares from the knot down after applying with the liquid starch brush. Try to cover the entire white surface of the egg (except for the decoration circles, of course).

  • Hang the eggs again to let them dry for at least eight hours.

  • With a fine punch or a needle we can prick the balloons and gently remove them by pulling the knot. If the paper is very dry, it will not be difficult for us.

  • Finally, we have to fill in easter eggs, making a straight cut from the hole where the knot of the globe was. Through this opening we can introduce the sweets and surprises that come to mind (of a small size, yes).

You know, if you want to have a fun time with the little ones, encourage make this craft of paper mache Easter eggs They give such a colorful result. And then, since we have got to work, why not try this other original idea that Lola brought us Easter eggs with threads?

Video: DIY paper mache balloon with PVA Glue and fabric decoupage (July 2024).