Children in mobilizations for democracy

I think I discover nothing to anyone by saying that Spain is experiencing a historic moment with the mobilizations for democracy that began on May 15 in different parts of the country.

The aim of these mobilizations is to hit the table and say that "we are already tired" and, above all, that we want a present and a better future for our children.

It is for this reason that yesterday afternoon we approached my wife, my two children and I to the camping of our city, Terrassa, to see what happened, see the environment and support with our brief presence this dream, or rather, this wake.

I saw quite a few children and I also saw that children's areas were created so that they, who still understand little what is happening, could do what they like best: play.

We were with them listening to what people had or wanted to say, we applauded (and they, the children, applauded, even without knowing very well what) each intervention and when they were tired, after more than an hour of hearing words biensonantes In favor of a different democracy and a better future, we returned home.

Then we talked to Jon, our 5-year-old son, basically to explain a little more what had happened today: “It is that politicians, who are in some ways the leaders of our country, are doing quite badly. All those people and us, we have come together to tell them that they have to do better ”.

I don't know what he was reflecting on the road and I don't know what was going on in his head or what he had understood, but a few minutes later he said: “I know. We must tell politicians uh, you have to do it right ”. I smiled and told him that he was absolutely right and that that was precisely the idea.

Camping at the Puerta del Sol in Madrid

I wanted them to be there and I wanted to be there, because whatever happens, something is resolved or not, people wanted to say something, wanted to show their discomfort and this will always be remembered, sure. Then, tomorrow, when someone talks about those days in May when thousands of people peacefully took the Spanish squares to say that the world should change and that, even if it seemed a lie, the future of our society mattered to them and much, they , my children, two children of two and five years old, were there. A little while, an instant compared to the time spent there by those who most supported the cause, but they were there because it seemed important to their parents to show everyone there, them, our children and ourselves that the future of our children, which is already ours, they cared a lot.

Children should be able to live this, because this is their future.. Yesterday I read an anecdote in one of the concentrations. Some children looked towards the square in a Spanish city from a very visible place and the crowd ended up turning towards them to express in unison: "they are our future".

Today I could see in a photo in Facebook to a girl carrying a banner in her hand that said "Thank you for fighting for our future." It was written by his parents, sure, but It is something that any child will appreciate one day, as we appreciate all that our parents and grandparents did to achieve a better society.

Photos | David Reece, Gaelx on Flickr

Video: Akeel Bilgrami - Democracy, Identity and Political Mobilization (July 2024).