Skills that babies develop by doing "exercise"

Babies from birth are gradually increasing their motor skills, until they gain some autonomy by crawling and walking. There are many physical exercises that help the baby develop that autonomy and maturity in many ways.

But when we talk about babies who exercise we don't mean a movement chart or baby gyms. I mean fundamentally to play, to move with the baby, sometimes helping elements such as balls, dolls ...

There will be time to practice a sport. For now, we are left with the most playful aspect of the exercise (which should not be forgotten later).

The skills that babies develop while exercising are multiple, skills necessary for proper development. Here you have a sample so you can encourage them to favor them with your children.

  • Balance development with vestibular function: the inner ear system indicates where the baby is moving, the direction of the sounds ...

  • Development of hearing, differentiating sounds (for example with musical toys) and voices when being with parents or other children, which takes us to the next point.

  • The early motor development of the baby It favors its sociability.

  • Thick motor skills of the large muscles, which include limb movements and are very important for strength and coordination.

  • Development of fine motor skills: dexterity with fingers and other small muscles, which evolve through activities that require small coordinated movements.

  • Visual skills, as the baby learns to focus and follow the trajectory of his body parts, toys, balls ...

  • In relation to the previous point, there is an improvement in visual-motor coordination.

  • Tactile skills, since the baby discovers different textures or changes in temperature and not only with the hands, remember that in these first months the mouth is the main means of exploration.

  • Appreciation of the body itself, necessary for the baby to acquire a knowledge of himself and others, spatial patterns develops ...

  • Cognitive habilyties in general, largely developed by all the previous points: long and short term memory, capacity for organization, attention, resolution of simple problems ...

Everything is achieved by stimulating the movement of the baby. In addition, as the baby grows the different skills will develop as he has acquired the previous ones, the earliest.

But ultimately these are the skills that "exercise" develops in the baby . And remember: there is always time to spend it with our child, even exercising with him will help us stay fit and take an example of healthy habits.

Video: Improving early child development with words: Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald at TEDxAtlanta (May 2024).