Reward children with sweets

We read in the consumer digital magazine about reward children with candyIt may not be your usual case, it is not ours, but we have all been able to prove it once, and do not deny reality, on some occasion we have succeeded in getting our children to do something by telling them that they can then eat a sweet treat.

Buying sweets or candies, repeating a dessert, having a snack at the end of the day ... let's see, it's not about forbidding everything, every now and then a child's palate also needs to be enjoyed, but the less they know and abuse prepared sweets, the less risks of being fond of them.

It is a matter of nature, most children love sweets, and for many parents it is just as natural to reward their children with them to get them to finish the meal, do their homework or pick up their room. It is necessary to know that this action can generate bad habits in the little ones, in the first place, because doing homework is an obligation that should not be rewarded, and secondly, because the prize is usually an unhealthy food.

Much better is the idea of ​​rewarding (if necessary) the little one with his favorite dish for lunch or dinner, the potato omelette, the breaded chicken or the gratin macaroni, whatever, will always feed him and will not lead him to a habit capricious. Another option is that sweets are healthy and natural, such as jelly or fruit.

As parents we should always think about what is best for our children, not to achieve our purpose. We already know that what children need most is the attention of their parents, the dedication we can give them will be much more beneficial for the whole family.

Video: The Marshmallow Test (May 2024).