He goes into labor unexpectedly and ends up being taken care of by the father of the creature

What would happen if you wanted to give birth in the hospital if you had an unexpected birth and did not give you time to leave home? Well this is what happened to Holly dawson, a young woman from Leicester, England, who shouted saying that the baby was coming and whose husband ran down the stairs to find her already pushing.

No time for nothing

He noticed that everything started very fast, he shouted "I think it's going to start now" and he put himself in the position that his body asked, squatting, in the living room. Her husband came down from the upper floor and saw that she was serious, that there would be no way to go to the hospital, and that she would be born there. As we read in SDPnoticias, the father wanted everything to be registered and put a fixed camera to record the entire process.

Holly's mother and her partner, Martin Boyce, were those who had to attend the delivery. A birth that lasted about 40 minutes and whose culmination we see in this video:

The fear on the part of the father was evident, but not being able to do anything else, he chose to help his wife to give birth and his daughter to reach the world, exercising as an impromptu midwife:

At the time I was terrified, but now we have a fantastic story to tell Isabelle when she grows up, and I am proud to have the opportunity to be so involved.

What luck, right?

It is clear that today many children are born that way, at home, because their parents decide so, being them who star in the whole birth. But it happens in the presence of professionals who are there in case at any time they are needed.

In this case they were going to give birth to the hospital and they wanted the circumstances that everything would turn 180 degrees and the baby decided to leave now, at home, with no professionals around.

Fortunately, everything went well and no medical assistance was needed, but I say that it was luck also because not all fathers or mothers can explain such a story: that it was they who unwittingly, without looking for it, helped their daughter to be born. Come on, I'm sure you will never forget it and surely, despite the fear of the moment, they won't be able to think of a better way to welcome their little girl.

Video | Youtube
In Babies and more | Impressive video of an accidentally unassisted birth, Shocking video of an unassisted birth: this way you should be able to give birth in a hospital

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