Dads and moms blogs: sex in large parents, intolerance of nursing mothers and more

Today, as every Tuesday, we review the most interesting thing that has been read in some of the moms and dads blogs We can find on the net.

We start with This is for one who wants it that way., the blog of a mother of three, who explains in a post full of humor about sex in parents of large families, or how it is not.

In Happy in Arms we have read a very interesting entry in which Diana He tells us how we can boost our children's self-esteem thanks to a few tips

In The adventure of my pregnancy Alejandra tells us the news of her third child, in her third month, although with the lack of logical time of this maternity, she tells us when she should almost talk about the four. And he explains everything about his little, less and less small, that he has a crush on her (and he doesn't miss us).

In Mom cow, this nurse we have talked about more than once speaks of the intolerance of mothers who breastfeed, based on those who accuse them of pressuring those who do not give it to do so.

In The painted hen We have seen a very cool craft and sea of ​​practice. A cardboard, two painted shoes and two cords and you will have a perfect test and practice bench for your child to learn to tie the cords.

In Mommy profession We have been able to read an entry about the duties and the struggle that can be generated both at the legal level, and at the "allegory" level, in the event that as parents you do not agree with your children coming home homework loads.

In I'm not a rookie father anymore ... or yes, this dad has made a kind of compilation with the best and the worst of being a father and has titled it: 5 + 1 good things (and others not so much) of being parents.

And finally, in Mom corchea We have been able to read a very interesting entry about the protection to which we subject children and adolescents, sometimes inordinate, to the point of making them almost crystal, intolerant to what images or words, generating in them suffering before things of which They should be able to talk.

As we always tell you, if you have a blog where you talk about your motherhood or fatherhood and you want us to take a look, leave a comment in this post and we will look for future weekly reviews.

Video: No Sex Marriage Masturbation, Loneliness, Cheating and Shame. Maureen McGrath. TEDxStanleyPark (July 2024).