Sterility and infertility

Often, the bombardment of information about reproduction, instead of clarifying some issues, ends up confusing even more. Especially if the woman is going through the difficult trance of not getting pregnant.

Sterility and infertility, both are terms that ultimately mean the impossibility of having a baby. But the Spanish Fertility Society better explains what each one means and subclassifies them in primary and secondary, as there has been a pregnancy or a baby before.

  • Primary Sterility It is that of the couple who after a year and a half of relationships without contraceptive control has not achieved a pregnancy.
  • Secondary Esterildiad It is that of the couple that after the achievement of the first child does not achieve a new gestation in the next 2-3 years of unprotected relationships.
  • Primary Infertility It is that of the couple that gets a gestation but does not reach term with a normal newborn.
  • Secondary Infertility It is the one of the couple that after a normal pregnancy and childbirth, a new term gestation with a normal newborn is not achieved. A sterile or infertile patient is a woman who cannot get pregnant without medical help. According to doctors, there are very few women who are completely sterile or infertile, so they talk about subfertile women or those who are less likely to get pregnant.

Video: Evaluation of an infertile couple (July 2024).