This is how they grow up on a farm: a father takes beautiful pictures of his children living with animals

Phillip Haumesser, a photographer and father from Missouri, shows us the essence of the rural world in these beautiful photographs he takes of his children. There are no poses or scenarios studied. The most beautiful thing about the photos is that they are absolutely spontaneous, portraying the daily life of their children growing up on a farm with dozens of animals.

A lifestyle slow to which surely many would like to escape, where simplicity and calm take on a new meaning. Their children growing in the middle of nature, surrounded by animals and disconnected from the torrent of stimuli that children receive today. I would undoubtedly sign up.

It all started when his wife Natasha gave him a camera for his birthday with the request that he wanted to have portraits of his children to keep as a souvenir. But the first attempt did not go well, since the children got bored of posing for the photos, and what had to be something beautiful ended up frustrating them.

Then he understood that he should get special moments in natural state, without poses or ready shots, portraying their children as simply children. And the magic arose!

He no longer cares about taking the perfect photo, but rather capturing the moment, and if it turns out to be a good image, much better.The connection of children with animals and the beauty of rural landscapes are reflected in each of their snapshots. Photography has become his true passion.

After seeing these images, anyone would consider changing the frantic life in the city to see their children grow up on a farm surrounded by animals, right?

Photos Philip Haumesser Photography and Facebook (Reproduced with permission)
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