Why it is good for everyone for children to spend vacation days with grandparents

During the holiday season we can find many options to do with the children, whether they organize some family activities or that they attend a camp. Another option that some parents turn to (as long as everyone agrees) is leave the children some time with the grandparents.

And in reality, this is something that everyone can benefit from. We tell you why it is good for everyone that children spend days on vacation with grandparents.

An opportunity to strengthen the grandchildren-grandparents relationship

The holidays offer us in many occasions, the perfect opportunity to do many things that during another time of the year, many times is not possible. One of them is the promote family life, which will help strengthen relations between its members.

Connecting grandparents with children is not always possible, either because of the busy pace during the school year, or the fact that many families live far from them. Thus, on vacation some take the opportunity to spend some days at grandparents' house, either the whole family or just the grandchildren.

As long as it's not a problem for grandparents, parents can let them spend a few days together, because time with grandparents is a time of love that nests in the memory. We tell you why children spend days on vacation with grandparents is something that benefits everyone.

Why is it good for children?

One of the most beautiful relationships which we can witness, is the one that exists between grandchildren and their grandparents. For many little ones, these people are their defenders, those who pamper them when they visit and those from whom they can learn many things, thanks to their life experience.

A benefit of living together between grandchildren and grandparents is that children they learn to appreciate older people from an early age. According to a recent study, living with grandparents in childhood helps prevent prejudices against older people, which in turn helps them to have more empathy for them.

Why is it good for grandparents?

The grandparents of now are not like those of before, of that we have no doubt. The lifestyle has changed so much that now with both parents working, grandparents have become essential people in the lives of grandchildren, already supporting them to take care of them a few hours after school. But also, similarly caused by the current pace of life we ​​lead, many families move away, and lonely, to grandparents.

Therefore, and if they all agree, that the grandchildren spend a few days with the grandparents is something beneficial for them, because it transmits the energy and joy of the children. In addition, it is proven that taking care of grandchildren occasionally prevents the cognitive deterioration of grandparents and they live longer, because according to a study in Germany, grandparents who care for their grandchildren occasionally reduce the risk of dying in children by 37%. Next 20 years.

Why is it good for parents?

And well, that for parents there are also some benefits of children spending days on vacation with grandparents. In the case of families where both parents work outside the home, having the advantage that grandparents take care of grandchildren for a few days, gives them the ease of continuing to work, with the peace of mind that their children are in good hands.

Another advantage, whether parents work or not, is that allows them to rest for a few days. Dad and mother's work is one that never ends: from dawn until dusk (or even many after the sun has set), the work of raising children is one that has no rest days.

Benefits for everyone, as long as they agree

As you can see, that children spend time with their grandparents on vacation is beneficial for everyone, just remember that it must be something previously agreed and in which everyone agrees to participate, avoiding falling into the syndrome of the slave grandfather.

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