Meninheira Educational Homeschooler Agenda

I come to show you my new acquisition of the store of Educational Meninheira: Your Homeschooler Agenda, which is, like all his work, beautiful in design and enormously practical.

Meninheira Educational Homeschooler Agenda, which, in addition, I know that several friends who take their children to school use with excellent results, help us to plan the contents, tasks, objectives, extracurricular, visits to museums or libraries and the books they will be reading during the year.

You can check all the content on its page and also, once purchased you can print it for several children and as many times as you want, including a perpetual calendar so you don't get out of date. And also, it is beautiful, so children will enjoy additionally programming their academic progress.

You can find this Homeschooler Agenda at the Meninheira Educational Store It offers educational printables for children of all ages, available in several languages, and we have already shown you some of its products in Babies and more. Its price is less than 5 euros. The impression of the careful design conveys to you the great affection with which they are made and, in addition, they will help us children learn using manipulative and visual tools while playing and having fun.

Video: Homeschool - Agenda y plan de clase para secundaria (July 2024).