Does parenting end in arms when our children stop being babies?

The International Week of the Foster in Arms 2017 is celebrated from October 2 to 8, and this year's theme is "Entwined". During this week we celebrate the importance of raising the baby in our arms and practicing porting, which allows them to be close to their parents during their early years.

The SICB usually focuses on babies and toddlers, as they are the ones who most need the warmth and safety of mom and dad's arms. But, Does parenting have an expiration date or does it continue even though our children are no longer babies?

Your arms, the best place

Although it is proven that children are not used to bringing them into their arms, there are still many people who believe that this is what happens when we take our children near us. But nevertheless, dad and mom's arms are the best place.

The closeness and warmth of parents are so important during the first years, that there are even scientific studies that have shown that skin-to-skin contact or the famous kangaroo method helps them to have a better brain development.

In addition to the benefits it has for our baby, carrying them or carrying them helps facilitate breastfeeding since they are always within reach of our chest. Another great advantage is that when we practice porting we have the hands free to do more things while we carry and take care of our children.

What happens when they stop being babies?

With the passage of time our children are advancing in their development and begin to crawl, then to walk and when we least think about it, they approach the two years and it is more common to see them outside our arms than inside them.

Many parents leave the portage when this stage arrives because, in addition to the fact that some of them no longer bear the weight of their children when they are older, it is easier for them to move around on their own without having to carry them. However, the porting of older children is possible, as long as we choose the ideal ergonomic backpack for your age and weight.

And in fact, although our children grow up, parenting does not end just because they are already walking or can do things alone. Raising in arms is not only taking them and carrying them to be able to take them with us, it is also to have our arms at their fingertips.

You don't carry them in your arms, but they still need you

Maybe you no longer carry them everywhere, but they still need them. According to William Sears, porting or upbringing is one of the principles of parenting with attachment or respectful upbringing, a way of raising that forms a strong bond between parents and children from birth and continues throughout years.

And how do we extend upbringing when our children stop being babies and grow older? Being available to them, so always know that mom and dad's arms will be there for when they need it.

Personally, I think there are four basic actions we can do to continue raising in the arms when we are older:

  • Listening to them, dedicating 100% of your attention.
  • Hugging them, reminding them that they will always have a safe space to go to.
  • Accompanying them, in the good and bad moments, in the joys and sorrows.
  • Being present, reminding them how much they are loved and how important it is for us to share life together.

Parenting has no expiration date or age limit. The upbringing in arms is one in which that small space in the arms of mom and dad is available for when our children need it, even if they are 5 or 21 years old.

Photos | iStock
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