Are popcorn healthy?

I recognize that I am not too fond of this salty snack, but maybe from now on I will be encouraged to eat them at home more occasionally. Of course, we will have to decide for Homemade popcorn and not the ones that come in microwave bags.

Bags of corn prepared in the microwave have many trans fats, so we will opt for natural corn grains, a very healthy cereal. In addition, to prepare popcorn you do not have to add sugar or salt, simply heat the corn in the pan with a few drops of olive oil, or use a popcorn that pops the corn kernels with hot air.

According to researcher Joe Vinson, one of the pioneers in defending the properties of chocolate and many nuts, in this case by eating popcorn we will be eating the equivalent (in some aspects) of fruit or vegetables. The researcher has presented his findings at the meeting of the American Chemical Society.

In a work entitled "Popcorn: The snack with even higher antioxidants levels than fruits and vegetables" ('Popcorn: the snack with high levels of antioxidants, even more than fruits and vegetables') you can see their conclusions that will celebrate those fans to accompany any movie and other moments of recreation with popcorn.

Apparently, inflated corn contains a higher concentration of polyphenols (substances that fight against the body's natural oxidation) than fruits, nuts and vegetables. The levels of these substances in popcorn compete with those found in nuts. Another surprising finding is the antioxidant power of popcorn:

Popcorn can be a perfect snack. It is the only snack that really eats all unprocessed grain, without other ingredients that dilute its properties. One serving can provide more than 70 percent of daily cereal needs and also do it with pleasure.

By the way, there is also the disease of popcorn or bronchiolitis obliterans, caused by inhaling in large quantities a flavoring that is mixed with other additives to provide the smell and butter flavor of microwave popcorn.

In short, according to the researcher Popcorn is "the perfect snack" for its properties. Although, of course, we will have to prepare them properly, place them within the framework of a varied and balanced diet and not abuse them. Surely many popcorn lovers are licking ...

Video: Health & Nutrition : Is Popcorn a Healthy Snack? (July 2024).