Headache in pregnancy

The blessed hormones are again, together with the increase in volume and blood circulation, responsible for the pregnant women suffering headaches during pregnancy.

They are usually more frequent during the first trimester until the body gets used to hormonal changes, although sometimes they also appear in the third trimester but due to postural causes or gut pressure on the main veins.

The pain is very characteristic, it is an intense pain on both sides of the head or neck. In some cases, accompanied by nausea or vomiting.

In some women they appear for the first time during pregnancy, while in others the migraines that they usually had are accentuated. Stress, fatigue and lack of sleep contribute to headache, so one of the measures to take is to take life more calmly during pregnancy, although some have a hard time.

To relieve it, in addition to rest, you have to eat small amounts of food several times a day to avoid lack of sugar. Exercise can also be a good ally, although it is not convenient for you to perform very demanding physical activities.

Following a balanced diet, a good massage session or any method that improves blood circulation such as putting your legs up can contribute as well as cold cloths in the sinuses or nape.

Headache can be a symptom of preeclampsia (high tension in pregnancy) and requires urgent medical treatment. If the headache is very intense, do not hesitate to call your doctor. It is better prevent.

Video: Pregnancy Tips : How to Treat Headaches During Pregnancy (July 2024).