The photo of the baby "double rainbow" that symbolizes the struggle they went through to conceive it

The fight against infertility can become a path full of obstacles, sadness and hopelessness. But today we come to give hope to those who are in this situation through the history of Lennon, born on December 14, 2017, a baby "double rainbow", born after two gestational losses.

The mother kept all the remains of syringes, tubes and medicines used during the fertilization treatment that allowed her to conceive her baby, whom we see in the photo next to a rainbow that it represents the struggle they went through to conceive it.

The fight for her second baby

Lesleigh Cetinguc is a Kansas mother who conceived her first child, Lochlan, through in vitro fertilization. When they decided together with their partner to go for the second, the woman suffered two devastating losses during pregnancy that made her move away from her family and friends.

There was only one left last frozen embryo, his only hope And nothing could fail. After almost two years of treatment, three years after the birth of their first child, and much suffering along the way, they welcomed their second baby, Lennon.

In Babies and moreOnce beautiful photographs of rainbow babies, those born after a loss

Retained more than 500 vials, tubes, caps and bottles which he had used as a symbol of his daily struggle and "in the hope that someday he could turn something very hard and medical into something beautiful," in his own words.

Lesleigh Cetinguc

The mother was determined to realize her dream of conceiving and giving birth again. Multiple injections that left his bruised abdomen, medication patches, syringes, pills and above all, many tears were shed during the almost two years of treatment to which he submitted.

Lesleigh Cetinguc

Your treasure at the end of the rainbow

Lesleigh Cetinguc

When the dream was finally fulfilled and they could have their baby in their arms, they wanted to make a photographic tribute of everything they had lived. That's when Lesleigh's husband came up with create a rainbow with the remains of medications as a symbol, and place the baby at one end, your treasure at the end of the rainbow.

The birth photographer Kelley Walker-Chance was the one who took this beautiful snapshot, as well as the rest of the photos that we can see here and that will remain forever in the memory of the family.

"This shocking image of you could not show everything. What we do see is that we never gave up. We never stopped fighting for you, refusing to be torn down forever." Kelley Photo Kelley Photo

Lesleigh hopes that his experience, as well as the letter he wrote for his son Lennon and published in Love What Matters, reaches all mothers who need to hear their story full of pain and hope.

"My intention in telling my story is to make other families hope that if you miss the storm you can find that sweet rainbow at the end of your trip."

In Babies and more Rainbow sextuplets: beautiful photo of six babies who arrived after a loss Kelley Photo

Photos | Kelley Photo and Lesleigh Cetinguc (Reproduced with mother's permission)
In Babies and more | 'Infertility stopped my life': an indispensable video to understand those who fail to be mothers, Six women united by the pain of loss pose with their rainbow babies

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