You can be "very mother" and not breastfeed

A good stir has been made with the cover of TIME and the article and I would like to add my thoughts on those who have shared with us and Armando and Eva.

The headline is perfect to sell, journalistically great, but it is painful, nothing can arouse more hostility from a mother (even if she is a detached and rigid mother) than someone to understand that not a good mother.

I admire Dr. Sears and of course I am convinced that children would grow up to be healthier adults emotionally and physically if their families read it more and better respected the children's natural and attachment needs. Insurance.

Parenting as a social movement

The maternity of attachment and respect It is an increasingly strong social movement worldwide, which implies a recovery of the link and natural elements of human being.

I interpret this whole movement as parallel to other movements of sustained decline, ecology and the pursuit of happiness in personal growth or significant human relationships.

Is about give value to the human in harmony with our nature, compared to the commercialization or vision of the human being as an automaton to which to program socially.

At the sociological level it is very interesting to see the evolution of these movements, which were born from breastfeeding support groups but have taken a lot of strength.

Breastfeeding and attachment breeding

Further, scientific research The attachment thesis, the real and biological need for physical contact, the benefits of breastfeeding and the avoidance of frustrated children by unnatural norms of adults are becoming increasingly important.

But if breastfeeding guaranteed respect for the child there would have been no abuse, infanticide or abandonment 200 years ago and the consideration of childhood was possibly much worse than what is now.

The culture of detachment

The detachment promoted by some psychologists or breeding specialists has no scientific endorsement, but is part of a sociological construction, a model of the ideal society in which autonomy and safety are achieved by detaching babies from their mothers.

In fact, we are talking about politics, not party politics, but something deeper that is at the root of political thinking: how we want to live human beings and how society should be so that we can develop happily. I bet on respect and attachment to our children.

The title, journalistically excellent, is quite provocative. Sell What I understood. But it is false and twisted.

When a mother understands the needs of her child, she will try to accompany her rest and play, to guide her more than to dominate him, she will not use aggression or insults or screams, she will listen to him and treat him with respect respecting their natural needs above all. That is a mother who breeds with respect and attachment.

You may want to breastfeed for as long as you both want and you will know that it is normal for human children take between two and seven years. All of that seems excellent to me and I believe that the more families are informed, the better.

You can be "very mother" and not breastfeed

But it is clear that I put breastfeeding last and do it consciously. It is not necessary to have breastfed to be a wonderful mother or to breed with attachment. It is not. Be that as it may, there are millions of wonderful, dedicated, respectful and conscious mothers who never breastfed their children.

That does not mean that breastfeeding is not better for children, and that it helps communication and bonding flow, as it is biological. But can be raised with attachment without breastfeeding.

I think this cover does not reflect reality, nor does it reflect what the activists of respectful parenting think. I breastfed my son for more than six years but the first two months of life I couldn't do it. And I suckled and respected him the same. And she was as mother when she breastfed as when she couldn't give it to her. And of course not being able, for whatever reason, breastfeeding does not make you "less mother".

Video: The Script - Hall of Fame Official Video ft. (July 2024).