Know the fever

It is good to know the reason of things and we have thought that it is important know a little more about something as common as fever. Fever is an increase in body temperature that exceeds 37.5º C, but this also depends on each person, because in some the temperature can be 36.5º C. Unlike adults, in children it can increase temperature for very simple causes such as high ambient temperature, physical exertion or drinking a hot drink.

Whenever the body temperature is 38.5º C or if it is somewhat lower and lasts more than one day, this surely indicates an infectious process that has a viral or bacterial nature, for this reason the fever does not go down, since it is a way of defense of the organism to try to repel the attack of these harmful microorganisms. And as we commented in “The anthermal, when to use them”, if the child endures it well, it is preferable not to give him any medicine to lower the temperature, but whenever it is within the margins that we have mentioned. Otherwise, if the child suffers from discomfort, he cries, etc., if an anthermal can be given.

Fever does not usually cause damage to the body as previously believed, what if it can occur in children are the so-called febrile seizures, these can alarm us and it is logical, but there is nothing to fear, because in reality these reactions have no greater importance. In the past, a child who had a fever was not allowed to leave the house and the pediatrician was called to go home. There is no problem to take it to the street to take it to the pediatrician, in fact it does not affect at all the exposure that suffers at the different temperature that is in the street. Nor should the child be forced when he has a fever to stay in bed and being around the house does not have to be overcooked, but what he should do is drink plenty of fluids.

Do not confuse the performance of an antibiotic, it is used to counteract harmful bacteria or viruses, but it does not work against fever as opposed to anti-thermal drugs. Antibiotics should always be administered under medical prescription.

We should not fear a moderate fever, as we have said before, it is a defense mechanism that in many occasions, favors the immune development of our little one.

Video: Fever in Kids: When to Call the Doctor (July 2024).