100 ideas to improve Spain: where is the upbringing?

Last March 9 were the elections in Spain and the newspaper El País asked 100 Spanish (famous or anonymous), called to exercise their right to vote, to formulate an idea to improve Spain. There were all kinds of suggestions: rights, rent, solidarity, health, culture, economy, science, etc. And regarding what interests us in this blog: parenting, these are the 5 requests:

  • 2. Large network of nurseries: I would choose an initiative with a cornerstone value, around which almost everything can be built. A large network of public nurseries. The best in Europe. Well endowed in every way. Without that first step, it is not easy to get very high.
  • 7. Education ten: Bet on an education ten, for the public nature of the cycle of zero to three years, since the entire stage of early childhood education has great importance in the formation of the future personality of children
  • 12. Increase places in public nurseries: More and more couples, young and age-old, have children, and I think there are not enough places for everyone in public nurseries. In my case, as my wife does not work, nor have I requested it, because I think that removes points when opting for a place. But tell the mileuristas to see how they manage with children and work
  • 83. Maternity and work: Extend maternity leave to one year. But from then on, help families with the idea that women can rejoin the labor market as soon as possible.
  • 96. Rationalization of working hours: As a researcher in the social sciences of work, I consider necessary a commitment to the rationalization of working hours and the revaluation of time dedicated to personal and social well-being, both for women and men. Balancing professional activity, personal and family life

I applaud the last 2 ideas but what kind of national blindness Explains the current obsession with nurseries from 0 to 3 years instead of other policies that allow parents (who wish) to raise their children?

Is that babies have no rights? Are we not hurting the weakest in the social chain because parents have / want to work all day? Is that quality of life? How do we comply with the WHO breastfeeding recommendations if we parked to our babies at 0 months and we are going to make us out of home?

No matter how well the daycare centers are, a baby needs a mother, a tit, heat, arms, comfort, etc. and has the right to be raised by at least 1 adult. An African saying says: "It takes a village to raise a child"In Spain we bet on the contrary: 1 person, many babies.

There is many more parenting options as the Family Assistance Coordinator has demanded and that we have already pointed out.

Y It is not a retrograde discourse or anti-feminist or utopian. In the Nordic countries they have maternity leave much longer than us but also high rates of working women and managers. That is, children can be raised during their early childhood and then also work outside the home in decent positions (if desired).

In Spain there are 3 bad aspects: it is socially chosen not to raise children, the rate of working women is low (earning less than men for the same positions) and there are only 10% of directives.

As long as we only demand and applaud childcare, it will not change our poor work system or poor family support.

¡Orient our compass to the north because we have totally lost it¡

Video: 10 SPAIN CULTURE SHOCKS. Expat Life in Spain (July 2024).