Exercise and pregnancy

Physical exercise is good at all stages of life. And it is also during pregnancy, although practiced in moderation, without the intention of breaking Olympic records.

To practice exercise during pregnancy It helps to alleviate certain discomforts such as poor circulation, back pain, heaviness, as well as promoting blood circulation to the fetus and helping to control weight gain.

On the other hand, it helps to cope better with childbirth, since the body has more flexibility and better physical condition. Without forgetting the psychological benefits, helping to reduce anxiety, insomnia and stress. There are very beneficial sports for pregnancy. Of course it is not time to practice contact sports, horse riding or jumping, but there are others highly recommended such as swimming, yoga, tai chi, walking, cycling (with peace of mind) or simply taking walks of 20 or 30 minutes daily.

If you take it in moderation, the exercise is excellent for both emotional and physical balance. The key is to know your own limitations and rest when you feel fatigued or have the pulsations through the clouds.

If you are an athlete it is better to consult with your doctor until when you can play sports. Sometimes, the first three months of pregnancy does not influence performance, but then it does. In addition, it may be too demanding and you have to leave it until after delivery.