Otitis externa during the summer

During the summer, water and heat are potential enemies especially for children and both factors can lead to otitis externa, an inflammation produced in the external auditory canal caused by fungi and bacteria that usually lodge in it. It usually occurs during the summer and that is why they commonly call it pool otitis.

The fact that it occurs in summer is related to the perfect breeding ground formed by heat and humidity, both conditions facilitate that bacteria can proliferate at will and affect the natural flora of the skin that is in the duct auditory.

If you perceive that your child has itchy ears, he cries a lot, feels pain and a green discharge occurs in his ears, it is very possible that the child suffers from an otitis externa. There are no children who may be more likely than others to suffer from it, except for those who suffer from atopic dermatitis, they are more likely. Avoiding otitis externa is not difficult, it is enough to keep your ears clean and dry. Make sure that after each bath we clean and dry the ear canal and ear pavilion well. Remember that it is preferable that you do not use cotton buds, as they can push the secretions of the ear canal inwards causing a more serious problem.

Instead of the sticks it is preferable to use an absorbent cotton, a suitable prevention would be to place the small wax plugs in the ears, since they fit properly.

In the event that your child suffers from otitis externa, the specialist will most likely prescribe some topical drops that form with an analgesic and antibiotic compound, although it will always depend on the severity.

Summer is an ideal time to enjoy water, heat, good weather in general, but it is also a time to prevent possible problems that may affect our child by truncating the days of rest and leisure.

More information | Your pediatrician More information | Entnet In Babies and more | Take care of the baby's ears

Video: The Difference Between Outer and Middle Ear Infections (July 2024).