Book: "Nine Months of Waiting" by Gro Nylander

Many women want to inform us well when we are pregnant. The difficult thing is knowing how to choose between the avalanche of books in this regard. A good criterion is to look at the author.

This one I present to you is from Gro nylander, the equivalent to our Carlos González but in women, Norwegian and focused on the defense of respectful childbirth and breastfeeding. She is a doctor and obstetrician at the University of Oslo hospital, director of the National Center for Breastfeeding (the first in the world) and is also the mother of four children Thirties and grandmother of four grandchildren. The curriculum seems more than enough to endorse a book entitled "Nine months of waiting."

The book is addressed to all women who want a child or who are already pregnant. This is the content:

  • Before pregnancy. Preparation for a good pregnancy. The conception. How to get pregnant
  • First trimester: finally pregnant. Beginning of pregnancy Fetus development Protect the child. Pregnancy controls
  • Second trimester: the gentle intermediate. Gradual growth. Ultrasound Prenatal diagnosis Suitable for living outside the uterus. Pitfalls in the sea.
  • Third trimester: thoughtful, brave and voluminous. Developments and changes in man, woman and the fetus. Preparation for childbirth Target in sight.
  • Childbirth: the arrival in the world. Postterm The dilation phase Expulsion phase Help the child out. A child has been born!

She is also the author of another famous book "Maternity and breastfeeding" by Granica publishing house and is the video "The chest has no schedule" that has been translated into more than thirty languages ​​and used in health centers around the world. La Vanguardia made him a few years ago a interesting interview that you have below.


From what I know of the author, her dedication to childhood and her own experience as a large family mother, this is a highly recommended book. In the magazine Crianza Natural they comment the following:It should be noted extraordinary photographs that turn this work into a jewel”.

It is published by Editorial Medici, has 383 pages and costs about 32 euros

Video: Kids Book Read Aloud: DAVID GOES TO SCHOOL by David Shannon (July 2024).