When to be born is practically to die

Up to half of babies with AIDS will die before they turn two years old, everything that life could provide them is denied and they will never enjoy it. It is unfortunate, the disease and the causes, the consequences, the prevention are known and despite all this, the progress of AIDS continues unstoppable, priming itself with the most disadvantaged, in this case with the third world countries.

Africa takes the worst part, since up to 87% of children with AIDS are in this continent, which translated into figures would be about 2 million children. By not providing AIDS treatment for the entire child population suffering from the disease, most will die before they turn two.

All these data have been shown in the IV International Conference on AIDS that is being held in Australia, what we do not understand is that meetings are continuously held around the same theme, however, the actions are not continuous. We are not referring to NGOs that fight desperately to alleviate the situation or for some organizations that stand in solidarity and try to contribute their grain of sand to improve it, we are referring to those who can really make remarkable progress in the fight against AIDS. There are already specific antiretrovirals for these children and despite their high cost, some companies have developed them as generic so that the cost is reduced and they can be more accessible (about $ 100 per year), although when you have nothing, an amount that we may find it ridiculous, it can be a real fortune Anyway, this type of generic drugs are well received by some NGOs and organizations, Doctors Without Borders indicates that it is a great step that improves the situation, however, the World Health Organization (WHO) does not take the appropriate steps to the approval of these drugs and thus be able to provide them to all those children who suffer from the disease, why? It seems incomprehensible.

The truth is that every year thousands of children with AIDS are born and due to their poor immune system they are practically doomed to death, if the treatment exists it is morally mandatory that they be provided. Some experts such as Elias A. Zerhouni, director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the United States, tell us that applying therapy before babies reach 3 months guarantees greater success and survival.

The situation of AIDS is more dramatic in children than in adults, more humanitarian efforts must be made to improve the situation of children, we recommend reading the article in the digital publication El Mundo and accessing the NGO Doctors Without Borders to know in greater depth the situation. Now we would like to remember a phrase from the movie Schindler's List, "Who saves a life, saves the whole world."

Video: Woman On Crossing Over During Cardiac Arrest: Im No Longer Afraid Of Death. Megyn Kelly TODAY (July 2024).