Does the choice of toys for your children determine part of their development?

Children learn by playing. From the first days of birth to adolescence, play is a fundamental part of child development. In addition, it becomes especially important because it relates directly to its growth. That is, it serves as a stimulus in the specific physical changes that take place throughout his life and that are reflected in the increase in size.

Experts define development as an orderly progression during which the child acquires increasingly refined knowledge and skills. As the little one grows, the game evolves and becomes complex. As long as each child develops at their own pace, there are not two that develop the same or at the same rate. And as the little one grows, he plays differently. That is, the activity changes as the child learns. However, the appearance of different types of games does not vary from one child to another, only the age of onset. In this sense, the toys Appropriate are especially relevant because they stimulate children's abilities.

Four different types of game

Experts have defined three types of games that correspond to the different stages of child development: functional or exercise, symbolic and with rules. From the first year of life the construction game also appears, which is carried out simultaneously with the other three.

Each one corresponds to a different stage of development of the child. The sensory and motor stage takes place from birth to two years of age, and the game that prevails is functional or exercise. It consists in repeating again and again an action that gives an immediate and pleasant result.

Functional or exercise game

During the first four months of life, the baby plays with what is within his reach: his body. Sucking your hand is one of the most recurring behaviors, as well as moving your hands, legs or head. In this phase, the child responds to light and sound stimuli, so the appropriate toys are those that provide visual or auditory stimuli. For example, a mobile phone hung over your crib or colored pendants That emit some sound.

After four months, the baby begins to interact with its surroundings. If you accidentally touched an object that produced a sound that caught your attention, you will try to shake your arm to make it sound. Later, he examines it, approaches it, moves it away and tests it. If there are other objects around you, you will try to move to reach them. Rattles, ragdolls, plastic objects that you can bite, buckets with sounds, musical toys, for example, will give you encouragement at this stage. All of them can be found in catalogs like Falabella's.

From eight months to twelve, the child is more interested in their environment. Everything inside and outside your crib is a new object to explore. Now act to achieve an end. Thanks to his newly discovered mobility, he tries to move to the object that interests him and hold him. And if there is something that gets in the way, it will separate it. Soft toys that allow you to hold it that facilitate and increase your movements are good options.

From 12 to 18 months, its fine motor skills are accentuated so that the game becomes more instrumental. Now, for example, spend pleasant moments manipulating a toy shovel to move objects that are in the sandbox. Also striking are toys that emit sounds or music when handled.

As he approaches 24 months, the child plays an action of daily life in a simulated way. For example, he pretends to talk on the phone or eat an empty plate. Toys that allow you to mimic common activities are an appropriate stimulus at this stage.

The symbolic game

Also called fiction, it is the most representative type of childhood game and is played from two to six or seven years of age. It consists of simulating situations or interpreting absent characters. At the beginning it performs very simple simulated activities. For example: feed a doll or comb it.

As the child grows, the game progresses. The representations become complex and act roles. It is no longer limited to imitating everyday actions performed at home, now it assumes a role that requires diverse actions. For example, he plays the doctor and the patient and on the fly decides what to do: give him an injection or a bandage, wear a cotton ball or take his temperature.

At this stage he needs realistic toys that help him play his role; In this case, a medical case that allows you to care for your “patient”, which can bedolls or dolls that can be cared for.

After turning four, the game is no longer personal becomes collective. By being able to communicate, the infant can play with other boys his age and assume a role. Interaction with others becomes a cooperative game that includes actions and roles. The more varied the reality they know, the more diverse and complex is the game's plot. Show, then, that you understand the life of adults better and better.

The rules game

From 6 or 7 years of age, the child plays with rules in which each participant knows what to do. Similarly, accept that the rules cannot be changed because they are mandatory. In this sense, the games contribute to the child's learning to socialize, to take turns, to abide by rules and to consider the point of view of the other participants. On a cognitive level, memory, language, reasoning and reflection are stimulated. The games and toys that require the participation of several participants benefit you greatly.

Building game

Upon reaching 12 months of age, the child starts in the construction game. Interestingly, first it is done vertically and then horizontally. That is, first build towers by stacking an object over others, and then align objects one after another to form trains. Near the age of three he tries to represent an object of his surroundings: a house, an airplane, a bridge. Laity, puzzles, blocks, objects of different materials, shapes and colors that can be stacked, fit and acquire shapes are helpful to stimulate your fine motor skills.

On the other hand, from the age of 6, the child usually builds to exercise his cognitive abilities. Therefore, there is an increase in attention span and concentration; as well as analysis and synthesis. In addition, he has greater understanding of space.

The role of parents in children's play is key, since their close participation and strengthens the bond between father-son. It allows the father or mother to know more about their child, their tastes and reactions to various situations. In addition, adult participation makes the child feel loved and cared for. However, beyond a pedagogical intention, it is important to let the child play freely to enjoy the game and the experience is really pleasant. So, toys don't have to be didactic always, just stimulate your imagination and creativity, hence the importance of choosing according to the stage of development that goes through.

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Video: Girl toys vs boy toys: The experiment - BBC Stories (July 2024).