Highlights in Babies and more: from March 30 to April 5

Like every Monday, today we review the most outstanding contents of last week in Babies and more.

One of the topics that more comments has unleashed among our readers is why very few babies take exclusive breastfeeding until six months.

Mireia denounced a shopping center in Barakaldo that prohibits breastfeeding in public while Armando talked about another outrageous case, that of a video of a two-year-old Chinese boy smoking that has left us all stunned.

For pregnant women who are finishing their first trimester of pregnancy we have explained in detail what is the measurement of the nuchal fold.

We also commented that unfortunately the number of stressed babies multiplies. No wonder, given that parents are increasingly stressed.

As for developments in periculture, we presented Seed Pli, a new modern and beautiful stroller that serves as a carrycot as well as a stroller.

We have taught how to take off the tape without harming and talk about the announced death of the mercury thermometer.

For its part, we address a very sensitive issue, that of attention in prenatal death and closely linked to this, about babies born dead are entitled to their name.

Finally, we learn that it is studied whether autism can be reversible. Hopefully the investigations will come to fruition.

This week we offer you much more. Until next time.

Video: Ryan Garcia vs Jose Lopez Highlights. 30032019 (July 2024).