The chemicals in breast milk

A new study suggests that chemical concentrations as organochlorine pesticides and other hazardous compounds do not decrease their concentration in the breastmilk as it occurs. This new research requires that studies should be deepened to determine the extent to which children's exposure to environmental chemicals reaches through breastfeeding.

This new study also points out that the idea that initial milk should be pumped and discarded as a means of reducing childhood exposure to persistent organic pollutants, and that they can accumulate in the fat deposits of the mother mobilizing in breastfeeding is wrong. The amount of these toxins does not decrease in milk as it is produced.

It should be noted neither the authors of this study nor any expert or agency has established that breastfeeding is not advisable for this reason, because the health benefits of children outweigh the possible disadvantages of the existence of compounds of this type in the milk. The only thing that the authors have asked for is that the studies continue to deepen this topic by taking larger samples of milk from different times and concentration of the compounds in blood.

In my opinion, findings like this should make us demand a much more intense control of the environmental toxins to which we are all exposed and that we receive through the food, water and air we breathe. We must change our way of life and production so that we do not receive poisons and do not continue to poison the Earth.

And in a particular way it is one more reason to take care of our weight so as not to accumulate unnecessary fats, to ensure a healthy diet and preferably of ecological production, and reduce the food of animal origin we eat.

Video: The Chemicals Found in Breast Milk Will Shock You (July 2024).