Kicking: "step by step" towards the crawling

Since very young babies shake arms and legs in some curious kicks and strokes. Those uncontrolled movements, however, become more apparent as the little ones grow and strengthen. Now I have to approach my girl carefully in the changing room, because the kicks she gives are of real football.

With 4 months, his muscles have strengthened, and the strength of the legs can land on my belly at best when I change it, make the bathtub overflow or simulate an earthquake inside the carrycot. But those uncontrolled movements that babies unconsciously perform they have several functions very beneficial for your psychomotor development.

We can say that we are facing the primitive phase of the small locomotion stages. Through those kicks the muscles are strengthened, new neural connections are created, movements are practiced, the possibilities of the legs are known ... And all for when they have to perform a more satisfactory function for them: crawling crawling, crawling and later walking.

Above all it is a "job" that they have to do with the day-to-day life of those funny, strong and sometimes nervous kicks, although we can also contribute to the little legs getting ready for that promising and dynamic future.

It comes very well at this stage play with them to move their legs and arms. They are simple exercises that also entertain them a lot. It seems that they have fun watching their little legs go up and down, "ride a bike" or join their feet, their little hands clap their hands ...

We will help all the mentioned functions and our children will be closer to being able to move for themselves, a challenge and a very important achievement in their development. For now, my baby is already starting to try to move around when I turn her face down, although she will need a little more practice ...