Lice: everything you always wanted to know and you never dared to ask

Yes, let's take it a little as a joke (although just mentioning them is already starting to itch our heads all ...). They are heavy, cumbersome, uncomfortable and produce intense itching in the head but nothing more.

Today we talk about lice in general and of the methods that are most used to exterminate them in particular. Temporarily exterminate them with more or less luck depending on the cases, there are those who manage to get them out of their heads forever and there are those who have to endure their visits once or even twice a year, like that visit plasta that never ends up leaving house, with the lice exactly the same happens in some houses and cases.

Take note because today it's time to talk about everything you wanted to know about lice but you never dared to ask.

The most frequent lately is that a new outbreak of lice occurs twice a year in the children's school. The note from the school arrives informing the parents that cases have been seen in the course of their children and that we take measures together to end them, an arduous task without a doubt!

Talking with property

This of the itching that causes the bichejos is called pediculosis and it's not just about the lice themselves but also of the nits that is, the eggs that put the lice on the head where they have decided to settle and the nymphs, if that is the name of the animal that comes out of the nits, the baby louse that after seven days will become the louse itself.

The adult louse is the size of a sesame seed, it is small and fast, they hide easily between the hair and neither jump nor fly. No, you read it correctly, the lice do not jump and do not fly, they cannot, they are not trained for it even if the urban legend says yes, it is false. The louse can only pass from one head to another by direct contact, is the only form of contagion that exists, the rest is legend.

They can live up to 30 days in the head of a person but surely before you can get them because the itching they produce on the scalp is most uncomfortable and annoying.

How a head can be infected

Well, it has already become clear that they can neither fly nor jump the contagion can only be by direct contact, by transport we could say, putting on infected clothing such as hats, scarves, coats previously used by people who have lice. They use it, the bug stays in the garment, you use it and that's it, a new area to be colonized by the traveling louse.

Contagion can also occur if what is used are combs, brushes or hair towels used before by people who have lice or even when sharing a pillow, a doll, clothes or any garment that has recently been in contact with an infested person, something that happens very frequently in the first elementary courses or in the last of the nursery schools, for example.

That is why fundamentally the louse is one more of the fauna of the school, because there is no other population group in which there can be so many factors that facilitate contagion: contact between heads, share clothes, share dolls or pillows.

By the way and to solve any possible doubt, say no, the nits are not spread because if a nit detaches from the hair it no longer sticks to any other hair, it is as if the glue that held it attached to the initial hair stays in that hair and not in the nit.

What is also true is that not all heads or all hairs have the same attraction for lice and no, I do not talk about hygiene because these sybaritic parasites usually choose clean heads and soft hairs. We do not know if it is the strength of the hair or the amount, the fact is that there are children who always get rid of and others that are most desirable for their "pious" colonies.

How to attack the louse?

Well, here the variety begins to be immense and each user speaks well or badly about the method in question depending on how it worked for her, as is normal.

There are those who remain faithful to the effectiveness of the rinses with vinegar when you wash your hair, once head lice have been detected, you even talk about the effectiveness of smearing the scalp with Mayonnaise to make it easier for the nits to drain and then wash with a specific shampoo to eradicate the lice that may have remained.

Some people have been adding some tea tree essence drops to the usual shampoo of his children for years and he has not seen any lice running through their heads again. And it should be noted that in this case the arrival of tea tree oil in the shampoo was preceded by an "invasion" of lice to two children and a mother (that of the two children) ... well, almost without warning.

Some people pass the nits with softener for the entire length of the hair every time your daughter washes her head as a way to avoid nits and therefore the lice that could have put them and those that were born after them. And I do say daughter because it is a true case that here we talk about specific data and specific cases, nothing hypothesis.

Some have had to go to some specialized center in eradicating them and among them there are those who have done very well and there are those who have not been satisfied.

You see that there are options and possibilities for almost all tastes but at the moment in autumn and spring, there are few children who do not have unfortunate visitors in their heads at least a couple of weeks at a time. Do you know any other method that works for you? ?

Photos | iStockphoto
In Babies and More | One in five children is infected with lice, how to prevent them? | Can a child with lice be sent home? | Lice: myths and truths about pediculosis

Video: I Lost All My Friends Because I Got Head Lice (July 2024).