10 things I would buy if I were to have a baby

This is my list of the 10 things that I would buy if I were to have a baby. When are we going to have a child? we consider what to buy during pregnancy That will be essential when the baby is born. Between what we buy and what they give us we can already be prepared and then, acquire other objects or clothes later, but it is difficult to decide what is really necessary, that it is expendable and what we will never use.

Today, years after having been a mother, with the experience of my parenting, and having also learned a lot from other families, I would consider things differently and I was sure that I would buy much better. And of course there would be many things that I wouldn't buy.

The truth is that this is my personal list of the 10 things you would buy if you were to have a baby, each family has to analyze their needs and the way in which they will raise their child.

If we were to ask the baby, he would need our arms, his food and the clothes and objects necessary to be warm and clean. Babies need even fewer things than what I put on my list.

A chair for the car

I think he is the only one really essential item and that he would buy, without hesitation, new and of the best quality. Even without having a car, as is my case, many times I make trips in the car of other people or in a taxi, so this safety article is the first thing I would focus on.

If we do not give birth at home we will need it just after leaving the clinic, so, although there are chairs that adapt to all ages, I would lean towards a special group 0 chair, egg type, so that the first Months the baby goes as protected and comfortable as possible.

One thing is clear, child seats are essential on all car trips from the first day and however short the trip. Later I would buy a chair valid for the other groups but I remember how small my child was and how small it looked even in the egg".

I would consider it money well spent and in addition, you can easily remove the sleeping child from the car. Sometimes you can even use it as a hammock, but for a short time, it is not the best position for your back.

A baby carrier

There are many types of baby carriers adapted to different needs and ages, but I, for the younger ones, prefer a scarf, which, in addition, can still be used for quite some time. Maybe you will also buy a pouch, which is very easy to use at home with hardly any preparation.

An ergonomic backpack

Later, I would do with a good backpack, and that was ergonomic, of course. They are great for carrying the child that is already standing upright, and you have to take them with the child facing our body, either in front of the face or in the back. It allows us great ease of movement and the little one makes him see the world at our height and share our experiences.

A blanket of activities

The truth is that children are not going to spend hours in the blanket, but, soft and fun, leaving them watching and playing with it can give us that pair of respite we need to go to the bathroom. I prefer a blanket than a park, because I would never use it and would prefer to take my son in my arms or on the baby carrier if I have to do something.

Cotton clothes

Although we can always borrow or give away used clothes when the baby comes home and his skin is very delicate I would like to release some with him cotton garments I consider essential: body and pajamas easy to put on and very soft texture, without seams. We can buy them quite cheaply if we do not look for designer brands and having many will take us out of trouble, as babies are very stained with milk.

Reusable cloth diapers in quantity

The gift I would ask to save my outlay would be the reusable cloth diapers. They can be used many times and having plenty to spare there is no problem to always have one ready. That does not mean that it may be interesting to have a package of disposables for emergencies, but to take care of the baby's skin there is nothing like cloth.

Barreño or bucket for bathroom

I would not make my bathroom smaller with a baby bathtub and much less with a bathtub furniture than those that are put in the room. I would also do without the changing table, I remember that to change the baby I would sit on the bed and put a towel. I found it much more comfortable and fast.

To bathe the child, when it wasn't that we were both in the bathtub, he would use a bucket for a bathroom or simply a bowl that fit perfectly in my bathtub taking care that it had no edges.

A breast pump

Of course, it may never be necessary, but I used the electric breast pump, both to increase milk production and to relieve me if I had a retention, not to mention that it became essential to me when I worked or when, later, I had a problem with bites or when the child rejected the chest when I was cold. For me it is one of those items that, although it is true that we can buy on the fly, I would have at home insurance before giving birth.

Soft towels and blanket

Soft towels and blanket They are two items that are also going to be necessary for insurance and, although we have them at home, it is better that they are very soft, so, if we do not have or are somewhat worn out, you can invest in buying them or making them. My mother made my towels for my son, sewing them with a flange and making them a hood to warm her head when she left the bathroom. They are not expensive things and are very useful for our baby to feel wrapped and warm.

High chair

When the child stays perfectly seated he would buy a beautiful high chair, that does not matter if he occupies a place, because we can give him a lot of use to eat and to play with interesting things to manipulate and paint. I like the one I had at the time, which could then be converted into a small chair and small table and, in addition, was plastic to clean and with a good fresh padding on the seat.

The truth is that little else would buy Or ask for a gift. Neither the cradle, nor the stroller, nor sterilization devices, no bottles, nor elegant clothes, nor the baby monitor, no bottle warmers, nor special buckets for the used diapers, nor a changing table, nor a cradle. All that is left over.

This would be the list of the 10 things you would buy now if you were to have a baby But, of course, this is a personal list although I hope it can help you decide before making large disbursements and thinking about what is really necessary in your upbringing.