Back pain during pregnancy

Most women suffer back pain during any of the stages of pregnancy. It is one of the most typical discomforts of the third trimester: pain in the lower part of the spine, since this area of ​​the back varies up to 28 degrees in curvature to compensate for the increase in the weight of the abdominal region and keep the center of gravity stable.

So that the pregnant woman's back is experiencing a progressive adaptation to her new state in the last months of pregnancy, lumbar lordosis appears, a curvature in the lower back area that will disappear after delivery.

Studies of cases of back pain in pregnancy are frequent, since it implies a significant decrease in the well-being and quality of life of women. The most widespread theory indicates that it is the postural changes characterized by an increase in lumbar lordosis that can contribute most to the development of low back pain.

Most of the weight gained by the pregnant woman is concentrated in the lower part of the pelvis along with the increase in abdominal volume. This is why there would be a tendency to tilt the body forward, which the pregnant woman tends to compensate unconsciously with a backward position of the upper body above the pelvis, restoring its center of gravity, but increasing lordosis of the lumbar segment.

An anthropological study from the University of Texas at Austin (United States), published in the scientific journal "Nature" reveals that without this change, pregnancy would place a much greater burden on the back muscles.

Researchers have discovered how the lumbar curvature is increasing thanks to the fact that women's joints are longer than those of men and that three vertebrae are involved in that place. Nature is wise, and the woman's body prepares for these changes, but still back pain comes frequently, let's see why.

Prevent and relieve back pain during pregnancy

In spite of this physiological adaptation processThe discomfort in the back occurs very often when the gut is very bulky because it continues to be a great burden for the lumbar muscles.

Among the factors that contribute to this occurrence are the relaxation of the abdominal muscles, the lack of power of the buttocks, weight gain and a sedentary lifestyle. The best thing a pregnant woman can do to avoid it is not being overweight, exercising regularly (along with spine stretches), not wearing high heels, not carrying weight and trying to adopt the appropriate postures.

In this sense, it is important to sit properly, with your back straight and supported (we can help ourselves with cushions), lie on your side especially on the left side), get up and sit slowly and carefully to avoid bad movements, pulls ...

Can also appear back pain after childbirth, especially if the muscular effort has been very large, if there is an excessive dilation of the pelvis or if a dislocation of the coccyx occurs.

In the case of postpartum back pain, even if it is complicated, the best recommendation is rest, giving the body time to recover from the tremendous effort made. In addition we will relieve hot showers, adopt a correct posture during breastfeeding and use a girdle if necessary.

In any case, in the postpartum pain disappears in 93% of cases in the first three months, 7% of the remaining cases have a high risk of prolonged low back pain.

Characteristics of back pain

The characteristics of pain vary in each case, intensity, location ... but let's see what are the most common cases. The symptoms are often moderate, although they can also be severe and disabling.

Frequently the onset of pain occurs around the 18th week of pregnancy and the maximum intensity would be observed between week 24 to 36. Pain during the first trimester of pregnancy can be a strong predictor of pain in the third.

The location of pain is common in the sacral and gluteal region, although this may change during the course of pregnancy. They are described as “intense”, “dry”, “deep” pains… and some can be disabling, that is, preventing women from doing their daily activities, even walking.

Postpartum pain is of less intensity than pain present during pregnancy, and it has been observed that pelvic pain is of greater intensity than lower back pain during pregnancy and the situation is reversed after delivery.

When the inconvenience of back pain during pregnancy prevent us from leading a normal pace of life we ​​must consult the specialist in case we need a medication and, as far as possible, seek a comfortable resting position that relieves pain. Physiotherapy and certain relaxation techniques can be effective in relieving it.

Video: Tips to Managing Back Pain during Pregnancy (July 2024).