Pictogram to assist the birth of foreign women

Faced with the difficulty of communicating with their foreign patients who do not speak Spanish, a group of midwives from Cádiz and Ceuta has designed an ingenious system to understand them.

It is a simple picture with drawings, numbers and words so far edited in Arabic, English and French to achieve better communication in the care of pregnancy and childbirth.

The hospitals that already use it, such as the Hospital Punta de Europa de Algeciras and the Hospital de Ceuta, ensure that it facilitates both the work of midwives and doctors as well as providing peace of mind to the woman who feels more supported.

Not being able to communicate with words they do it through the sign board to know fundamental questions such as how often the contractions occur, how many weeks are they, or if it has broken waters.

As it is possible to suppose, when learning the system, many hospital centers have requested to also have their own board.

Because it is clear that women also gave birth, but the more things are made easier for everyone, the better, right?

A very good idea is that of midwives, who have resorted to ingenuity to adapt to the new reality that is lived in the cities where immigration has grown so much.

Video: 14 Strange Ways of Life the Ancient Egyptians Practiced (July 2024).