Gummy bear gummies

It sounds contradictory that the consumption of sweets is recommended to prevent cavities in children, but a study published in the journal 'BMC Oral Health' specializing in dental health ensures that Gummy bears that contain xylitol help protect teeth against bacterial plaque.

Xylitol is a natural sugar alcohol used as a sweetener in some chewing gum whose effect has been proven to prevent tooth decay. It also contains some fruits such as raspberries, strawberries and plums.

The case is that this compound has been thought to prevent cavities in children. According to research, giving children four bears a maximum of three times a day for six weeks creates a protective layer that prevents cavities from forming.

These anti-caries sweets are not yet on the market, especially for the study, gummy bear with xylitol have been made, but they have not yet been manufactured for sale. That is, beware, the bears that are currently obtained do not cause any protective effect if they do not contain xylitol.

Apparently, we will soon have sweets that do not harm the teeth, but let's forget that although a few specific ones are not harmful from the point of view of dental health, sweets do not contain any nutritional value and encourage bad eating habits. For more anticaries effect that may be, they should be consumed with measure.

Video: The Gummy Bear Song - Long English Version (July 2024).