Baby Shusher, the automatic "whisper" to calm the baby

Today we want to talk about "a revolutionary new tool" for those parents tired of humming and whispering the baby. Baby Shusher is an application that automatically whispers to calm the baby.

It is an application available for smartphones in AppStore and Google Play for about five euros and basically consists of making noise so that the baby stops crying. Come on, one of those implausible inventions that aim to replace direct contact with the baby.

Why, Is it so hard for us to whisper to the baby? Does the sound of that application have a magic frequency? Wouldn't it be better to take the baby yourself to calm down? This invention reminds me somewhat of the remote baby monitor, a monitor on the phone that would also be invented for the sake of parental comfort.

The "whisper" Baby Shusher has a timer that goes from 15 minutes to eight hours of continuous sound, an automatic equalizer (the application "hears" the baby and adjusts the whisper to the volume of his crying) and a recorder to record our own whisper, hum, melody, song ...

Not even with this option that it is the voice of mom or dad that the baby hears when he cries convinces me. I prefer to be near the child and take care of myself, even at night, which will be when many parents use the application. And what do you think Baby Shusher, the automatic "whisper" to calm the baby?

Official Site | Baby Shusher In Babies and more | Suima crib: the first automatic cradle, Automatic rocking chair, the height of comfort, Robopax BabySitter: automatic cradle

Video: The Baby Shusher Sound Machine Review - Sleep Sound Machine (July 2024).