Increase in sales of mobile phones with GPS for children

The cases of Madelelaine and Yeremi, the two missing children, have caused great anxiety in many parents because of the fear that the same situation may touch anyone.

Of course, we all want to know at all times where our children are.

Some time ago when I published a post on a mobile phone with a children's page, I wondered if we were becoming paranoid, but after seeing cases like these, I do not consider it exaggerated.

The same have been thought by many parents who did not hesitate to buy mobile phones with GPS devices, significantly increasing sales.

One of the most specific for children, among the best sellers in the last Christmas is the Imaginarium MO1 mobile with the Localízame system, which lets you know where the child is at all times.

Every time new terminals for children are coming out that incorporate GPS technology such as Globalsat TR 101 that through satellite signals gives information about the location of the phone by SMS or via the Internet incorporated with Google Earth.

Of course, the location by GPS either through mobile phones, watches or a chip hidden in clothes or shoes have the disadvantage that they work only while they are on and the child must always take them with them, so some parents have raised even the possibility of placing a subcutaneous chip to your children.

Maybe that is very extreme, but in general all the solutions that allow us to know where our children are are welcome.

Video: Business Mobile Phone or Vehicle tracking (July 2024).