Indigo children

The term Indigo was invented in 1982 by Nancy Ann Tappe, a parapsychologist who developed a technique to classify people's personality according to the color of their aura. The indigo color, which fluctuates between violet and blue, is what has given these children their names.

It lacks reliable scientific information, studies are esoteric, or a philosophy, but sometimes philosophies encompass real intuition.

"A Indigo Child It is one that shows a new and unusual series of psychological attributes with a pattern of behavior not yet documented. This pattern has common and unique factors that suggest those who interact with children, who must change the way they are treated and raised in order to achieve a proper balance. To ignore these new behavior patterns is to create imbalance and great frustration. ” The neurologist Felipe Cors, describes the Indigos as sweet people, tremendously sensitive, more emotionally mature, with a great capacity to put themselves in the place of the other.

Indigo children are characterized by strong self-esteem and an obvious sense of self. They have difficulties with discipline and authority, refuse to follow orders or directives, get bored with assigned tasks. They find it tedious to wait in line, they lack patience. They are generally nonconformists and do not respond to guilt mechanisms, they want good reasons.

It is often thought that they have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, but they can concentrate whenever they want. It is easy to distract them, because they can do many things at once. They have great empathy for some and no empathy for others. They develop abstract thinking from an early age. They are quite creative, gifted, talented and very intelligent. They are dreamers and visionaries, they have strong intuition. They often express anger and may have problems with anger. They are not shy in expressing what they need, but they need our support to discover themselves. "They are here to change the world, to help us live in more harmony and peace between us and to raise the vibration of the planet."

According to psychologists, parents do not have to recognize an indigo child, but to raise them with love, respect, firmness, respecting their abilities and facilitating the development of others. Explanations should be given to avoid misunderstandings and prove that they are fair. Boredom can bring arrogance in these children, so they should let them get bored, but feed their brains and keep them occupied in the best possible way.

Indigo children are very sensitive to contact, touch him on the shoulder, squeeze his hands, hug him; Touch should be used to get your attention. In addition to other educational systems that should be given to all children, such as keeping them informed about family matters, teaching them to keep the word, if they are reprimanded, analyzing the situation that generates it and remembering that the punishment will not work with these children. The punishment is based on guilt, while the reprimand is based on personal growth or improvement.

Video: Inside the Strange, Psychic World of Indigo Children (July 2024).