An English would have conceived more than 500 children

I keep surprising myself with stories like these. Have we ever wondered how many children semen or egg donors can have and the truth is that today is a controlled practice, but not after the First World War that is when Derek's story took place, an Englishman who would have conceived more than 500 children, as the Daily Mail has been discovered.

According to the available data, it would have been Dr. Helena Rosa Wright, who chose in 1919 the young man of 20 years, attractive, healthy and intelligent, to maintain sexual relations with the widows of the war or those whose husbands had been injured or incapacitated to Be parents. Without a doubt, a very curious family planning policy.

For every pregnancy achieved, Derek received 10 pounds and at birth the baby received a telegram announcing the news. Come on, a full-fledged sperm donor, but in the old way, without sophisticated techniques or anonymity. Sometimes it was the husbands themselves who had previously met him to agree on the details of the encounter with their wives.

It was considered an honorary work at the time. A way to serve the country and contribute to the birth rates do not decline in a few years in which thousands of men died on the battle front.

Dr. Wright was the owner of two clinics, one in Knightsbridge and one in Notting Hill, in which they were counted 496 births of babies begotten by the young Englishman. For his part, he had three children from his marriage and two others with his father's lover, who later became his wife.

An exciting life where you look at it, a kind of "pollinator" that has spread its genetic footprint throughout the United Kingdom.

In case you have been curious about the limit for semen donation, tell them that there is not. A man can donate as many times as he wishes, although Spanish law establishes a limit of six children fathered by donor, so that the end of the English who would have conceived more than 500 children.

Video: Meet The Woman Who Gave Birth To 69 Children (July 2024).