Object of attachment or transitional: why it is so important for children

Many babies and young children show special affection for a specific object (be it a stuffed animal, a doll, a cloth, a blanket ...); He always accompanies them, they press him against his chest when they are sleepy or disconsolate. Its about "object of attachment" or "transitional object."

The term was first introduced by the English pediatrician and psychoanalyst, Donald Winnicott, as a way of defining the baby's first non-self possession. Today we are going to talk about the importance of this object for children, and the functions it fulfills in its development.

What characteristics does the transitional object have?

Usually, the transitional object has a pleasant texture and reminds us of the soft mother theory, which speaks of the Innate need of offspring to stick to a soft object To feel protected Therefore the object of attachment is usually soft, such as a stuffed animal, a gauze, a blanket, a pillow, a shirt ...

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These are the characteristics presented by the transitional object:

  • The child chooses it arbitrarily, that is, the object of attachment cannot be imposed. It may seem to us that the chosen teddy is not the prettiest nor the most striking that our little one has, but for some reason he has chosen it and will become his favorite.

  • It has a special smell. Due to its manipulation (the baby bites it, drools, drags it, hugs it, sleeps with it) that object has a particular smell, so it is recommended not to wash it so as not to erase your footprint. If it had to be done it is recommended that the child does not see it, as it can be shocking for him to see his object of attachment inside the washing machine.

  • Cannot be replaced. If the child loses his object of attachment, he will feel a deep sadness, and no matter how hard we try to find a substitute, we will not succeed. And it is that the transitional object cannot be exchanged for another, unless it is the child himself who decides to replace it.

  • He is a faithful companion and the child does not separate from him. It takes you to the nursery, for a walk, to bed, in the car ... It always remains within sight and within reach of the child.

What is the difference with the "transitional phenomenon"?

There are children who do not have an object of attachment as such but adopt certain behaviors at certain times. It is what is known as "transitional phenomena", and they are repetitive behaviors that they do at bedtime or to calm down, such as sucking your finger, stroking your hair, asking your hand to sleep ...

What functions does the object of attachment fulfill?

In psychology, a transitional or attachment object is a material object that the child chooses freely and to which he has a special affection. It becomes so important in your life, which accompanies you most of the time, providing comfort, security and becoming essential at bedtime.

It represents the attachment that the baby feels for his parents, and helps him control separation anxiety at certain times, or during the stage in which the baby begins to experience that he is an independent being to his mother.

In short, the object of attachment is a source of pleasure and safety for the child, who usually squeezes it, has it close and even speaks to him.

How long is the transitional object?

As usual, the child adopts his transitional object or behavior between four and six months, and as he acquires control over separation anguish and begins to be more independent, he will leave it aside.

This usually occurs around three or four years, although there is no fixed rule and many children continue to show a special affection for a specific object beyond this age. It can also happen that a certain event (the arrival of a little brother, the beginning of school, a move ...) causes the child to return to the object of attachment he had left behind long ago.

It is also important to note that not all children adopt a transitional object in their childhood. The emotional process is different in each child: for some, the transitional object is the mother herself, while others also need to hold on to an object. Do not intern take it off or replace it with another.

In any case, all these behaviors are absolutely normal and are part of the child's correct psychic development.

Photos | Pixabay

Video: How Attachment Objects are Good for Little Kids! (July 2024).