The last of the anti-vaccines: advertising candy for Halloween

National Vaccine Information Center, is a non-profit organization, or so they say at least, that brings together different anti-vaccine movements in the United States.

Well The last action of this "organization" has been to put advertising on candy for Halloween.

A bad idea will still be although it is coated with sugar

The saying goes that "in the life of everything there is, as in apothecary", the problem is that as with what we can find in an apothecary, if we know how to handle it with care or use it in the wrong way it can kill us. And the problem is not that it affects us but that it does so with our children.

I do not know how many studies that show the benefits of vaccines are needed for these people to be convinced of it, how many diseases and deaths are necessary to understand that not vaccinating our children is not an acceptable option, it is more should not even be a option.

Well, it seems that not happy to leave where there may be a camera, they have come up with the happy idea of ​​taking out a series of candies for next Halloween with messages questioning the functionality of vaccines.

I have never understood, nor endured that kind of use, or rather manipulation, of the little ones in order to influence parents. I usually run away from that type of advertising and brands, because one thing is advertising and attempts to create a need and another is the manipulation of children with fallacious and meaningless arguments, with the sole purpose of causing fear for what is unknown. This way of acting my lords seems very mean to me.

Video: A Message for the Anti-Vaccine Movement (July 2024).