How much does childbirth cost in different parts of the world? Figures to hallucinate

Have you ever wondered how much it costs to give birth in monetary terms? It is not an issue that should be disturbed at such an important moment, but the truth is that depending on where you live it is something that can worry a lot or very little to future parents. The differences between countries are abysmal and some figures are really to hallucinate..

Many families have no choice but to start making numbers to pay for childbirth if they are thinking of enlarging the family. We tell you how much childbirth costs in different parts of the world.

United States, scandalous figures

The United States is among the most expensive countries (but the most expensive) when giving birth. A natural birth can cost an average of $ 30,000 (about 26,860 euros to change), while in case of caesarean section the bill amounts to $ 50,000 (about 44,700 euros to change).

In many cases, the mother's health insurance covers most of the cost of childbirth and hospitalization, but since there are no public health services like in most developed countries, having a child can be very expensive or impossible for many couples

If you have health insurance, the part to be covered by the mother will be $ 2,200 (1,970 euros) in case of natural birth and 2.700 (2,400 euros) if it is caesarean section.

For low-income families who cannot afford childbirth or medical insurance, the US government has launched the program Medicaid It covers the health expenses of these people.

As of 2014, the Low Price Health Care Act (Affordable Care Act) which is part of the Obama-led health reform known as "Obamacare", will require that all medical insurance policies provide coverage for pregnancy and childbirth.

The cost of childbirth in other countries

In other countries of the world, paying for childbirth will depend on whether it is a service covered by the state or not.

In Cuba, for example, there is a free public health service that covers all medical services, including pregnancy and childbirth.

On the other hand, in most developed countries public health systems coexist with private medical insurance. Having a birth in a public hospital is free, but if you choose to have it in a private center, the cost varies depending on each country and insurance usually assumes the partial or total cost of delivery.

Giving birth in a public hospital in Australia, China, Spain, England, France or Germany is free, while in a private hospital childbirth can cost from the 3,000 euros it costs in France, for example, to the 20 thousand euros that can cost in Australia.

In South Africa, for example, it is a free but very basic service and only 30% of the population can pay for private insurance. On average, childbirth can cost about 1,700 euros.

As you see, the figures vary greatly from one country to another, and although in most countries the expense is borne by the government or medical insurance, in others having a child can become a real financial odyssey.

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