A father publishes on Facebook the photo of his baby beaten by his caregiver to ask for justice

There are no words to describe what some parents may feel when they realize that their child has been mistreated. My soul breaks from seeing this little angel beaten, I can't imagine the parents. Thus, with marks and bruises, Alicia Quinney and Joshua Marbury, a couple from Oregon (United States), met Jacob, their one-year-old boy when he returned home after leaving a few hours with a caretaker to go out to dinner.

The events happened two months ago, but seeing that the abuser has not yet been arrested, andThe father, desperate, has decided to post on Facebook the photo of his baby beaten by his caregiver to ask for justice.

A horrible experience

When parents leave their baby in the care of a person, supposedly trustworthy, not expecting to return and find the scene that this couple found. They had also left Jacob's sister, three years old.

Upon returning from his departure, the baby was crying on the floor and the caretaker sleeping on the couch, but they didn't notice the marks of blows on their son's face and body until the next morning. He was immediately taken to the hospital and reported to the police.

At the hospital, doctors confirmed that Jacob had been beaten, and said the blows could have been fatal to the boy.

The case is that, according to an Oregon state law, where they live, at have no evidence of aggression, The suspect cannot be arrested. In order to convict a child molester of the crime of criminal abuse, prosecutors have to prove that the victim suffered "physical damage" and suffered "substantial pain." And how a one-year-old child cannot speak to tell what happenedThe weeks have passed, the man is free and the case remains unpunished. Outrageous.

Therefore the father has started to move. He denounced it in the local media, on Facebook and even initiated a petition on Charge.org to change this law so absurd that it leaves children unprotected against abuse, even when the abusers are the parents themselves.

Cameras to monitor what happens

If in this case there had been a camera installed in the home, the abuse probably would not have happened knowing the abuser that would be recorded, or if it had been hidden, the couple would have reliable evidence to report him.

This has been done in Spain by some parents of León, who, on suspicion of mistreatment, placed a camera that recorded the babysitter's beating of her baby, which resulted in her being tried in a speedy trial.

Unfortunately, cases of children abused by caregivers and even in daycare centers are still known, where we consider it urgent to have surveillance cameras, but in our own homes?

It's not about alarming, but we have to have very careful in the hands of who we leave our children. They are the most precious and any precaution is little.

Video: Unarmed man begs for life, shot by police (May 2024).