When criticism goes to extremes: he gives Nutella to his two-year-old daughter and accuses him of child abuse

Being a mother in these times has many advantages: we are better informed by having professional websites within our reach, we can maintain contact with our loved ones even if they live on the other side of the planet and we share with them the important events of our lives.

But just as everything has its positive side, it also has a negative one. Now it is easier to criticize and judge from wherever we are. Just have someone take your phone and leave an opinion that nobody asked.

And so, publish a photo or video of our children makes us a target of criticism and deserving of the title to the worst mother of the year. Now, the one who has earned it is singer Kelly Clarkson, for giving Nutella to her two-year-old daughter.

In addition to posting photos and videos of her artistic career, Kelly Clarkson likes to share photos of her children on her Instagram account. Like every mother, she likes to show and celebrate with her friends (and in this case followers) the small achievements and important or funny moments of her life as a mother.

And although most of the publications he shares with his children are well received, he was recently attacked by a sweet video in the show to his two-year-old daughter River Rosa, testing the famous Nutella for the first time.

River's first Nutella experience. It should have been via crepe but toast was easier #nutellagoodness #australiagoodness

A shared post by Kelly Clarkson (@kellyclarkson) on Apr 8, 2017 at 9:42 p.m. PDT

"The first experience of Nutella de River. It should have been with a crepe, but toasted bread was easier", read the text that accompanies the video and in which we see the little girl tasting her toast with Nutella.

What could have been a tender or sweet moment that we wanted to share with others, is quickly analyzed and criticized by hundreds of people who feel they have the right to judge others. And the negative comments do not wait:

Check the ingredients! You could rethink it in the future.

La Nutella is FULL of sugars. Do not let your children explode.

It is confirmed that it gives cancer.

Giving this type of food to a child is child abuse.

But the worst, worst of all and the one that impressed me the most was the following:

Stop trying to make your fat daughter like you. That is child abuse. I should be ashamed.

Child abuse? A slice of bread with some Nutella? Really? It is annoying when people talk for talking and criticize just because they have nothing better to do. Sometimes I think it would be better to stop publishing things, but why should we stop and stop sharing things that seem nice to us just because a few think differently? We all have different opinions and therefore, we must respect those of others.

In addition, another serious problem that I encounter with this last comment is not only the offense to her decisions as a mother, but also to her physique. It is well known that the singer suffered a long time due to eating disorders, and now that she has overcome them she looks somewhat overweight, something that has also been criticized enough for being a celebrity. How long are we going to stop judging women by their physique?

Fortunately, all is not lost

And when I say that all is not lost, I mean that just as there are people who only think with a desire to criticize and who are quick to judge, also there are others who understand and respect each parent's decisions about their children. Thus, many have come to the defense of the singer:

By God, it's just a damn toast, it's not your daily diet!

No one is a perfect father, only you know your baby and you know what is best for them.

Your daughter, your decisions. Have you never eaten chocolate?

Since when to give Nutella to a child is "child abuse"? Kelly is a very good mom, let her raise her own daughter.

Enjoy it baby! People act as if they NEVER gave sugar to their children.

You are amazing. Don't let these rude people affect you. You are a great mother.

Who told us that we could criticize the maternity of others?

I recognize that by publishing part of your life on social networks you run the risk of exposing yourself to this type of criticism, but that does not justify it nor does it mean that we should bear it. It seems to me sometimes it seems to me that we are getting worse than ever before.

I agree that Nutella is not the healthiest food that can be given to a child and that any sugary or cocoa cream food should be consumed in moderation, but as another comment says: neither is she giving acid to her daughter. I don't think giving it a little once in a while is something that can define whether or not you are a good mother or father, so let's stop judging the motherhood of other mothers.

People who judge do not usually stop to think twice about what may cause their comment. No one knows what others are going through, so if we can't say a kind word, let's say nothing. If you disagree with something and it does not affect you or hurt anyone else, it is best to respect the decisions of others. If we want respect, we must also give it. Less judgments and more empathy.

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