Mutual support networks or "tribes": needs that grow during school holidays

How are you getting it this summer to reconcile until the vacations of the whole family arrive? Where there is no urban or non-urban camp, there are some grandparents or uncles or an unpaid leave of absence ... juggling is countless to ensure that the free time that children have on vacations matches the time that adults do not even have free nor available.

In moments like these or you miss "the tribe" or you miss having something similar to be able to organize more and better

Call it "tribe" or mutual support network, if we think it is a much more modern way to call it but in the end, it becomes more or less the same.

A few months ago of the controversy that was formed by Anna Gabriel's comment about her personal opinion about the concept of "raising in tribe."

Many mothers and fathers felt offended while others recognized the solution to the situation in which we live throughout our lives, when our children need adult protection in their day-to-day lives.

Breed individually or collectively

To have a concept of paternity or maternity more collective and less individual than what we have now, a concept that contributes to a more social education as well, more developed in a society, in a group, in a tribe if we want to call it that.

You don't need to travel to the past, you don't have to give up progress or medicine, you don't have to ridicule the concept, It is just one more way to see and consider living motherhood.

We can even consider “updating” that concept with our day to day schools, extracurricular activities, friends, family members such as grandparents or now, in summer, the stages of urban camps or colonies in which children live and live together even outside your own home, day and night. It could also be a way of defining a "new tribe", like to call it that or not.

Of course there are numerous adults who participate in the education of the children of the 21st century as are our children: school teachers, monitors of extracurricular activities, family members who spend a certain number of hours a week with our children (For example, the thousands of grandparents who are in charge of picking up children from school, giving them a snack and taking them to one of their extracurriculars) Y According to psychologists, that participation can be very positive for our children.

Following some common basic guidelines, the different points of view of adults who participate in the education of the child, benefit them emotionally and help them to develop even their capacity for analysis. The way of approaching the situation is different and at all times the child is learning to analyze and face every circumstance, it is enriched, it is clear that the exercise you have to do is more complete when you live with different people in which you know you can trust .

How is it easier to teach to be supportive, when you are alone at home or when you live with more children? But is it that you can be supportive when you are alone?

Concepts to live

Solidarity is perhaps one of those vital concepts In the development of a person and many of us we strive for children to internalize it in a natural way.

For many psychologists, solidarity is learned more and better in that education in which more people participate, in which one lives, that education in tribe or in a network of mutual support.

At this point, valuing the benefits it has for our children and suffering the inconveniences that in terms of conciliation entails individualized upbringing, for many this tribe would be more than desirable, don't you think?

Looking ahead to the next academic year, there are many parents who are considering a different way of educating their children, a method that is perhaps less conventional but that considers education in a more repetitive way with children. Maybe it is time to look for a "Tribe" or something that resembles him to re-educate collectively, in groups, together?

More and more parenting groups especially in the big cities, where children live this kind of education, where times, needs and obligations are managed in a different way than they are done in conventional school, Perhaps it is time to explore these "ancient" forms that now may seem so "modern" to some.

Photos | iStockphoto
In Babies and more | "Where is my tribe?" a little gem for parenting today | Alternative to nursery school and its conventions: mothers by day and personalized attention | Why should no recent mother spend a lot of time alone or feel alone?

Video: To Serve Humanity - Friendship and Mutual Support (July 2024).