Some parents win the prize for the most messy room: that of their 7 and 5 year old daughters

I don't know what scares me the most, if there are people able to live with rooms as messy as you are, or that there is a prize for the most messy (and also people participate). And I don't say it for adults and their rooms, but for those who show their young children.

This is the case of Kay, 23, and Faith and Grace Wilkins, her daughters aged 5 and 7 (and if Kay has a partner, also, logically), who have won a prize in a contest for having the most messy room in the UK, thanks to the fact that they decided it was their job to keep it in order.

The ground is barely visible

In the room there is everything that a room of two girls can have: their toys, clothes, empty boxes and other things, with the problem that it is not located in drawers, cabinets or shelves, but everything lying around.

Apparently, as we read in Mirror, the mother refused to order it and clean it more, so seeing that there was a contest he decided to participate.

They have won a new bed

The contest, which called for the participation of all the inhabitants of the United Kingdom, was organized by a bed shop called Time4sleep, and the prize consisted of a new bed.

The problem will be, when they receive it, how to place it in the room (if the idea is to put it in that room).

Whose responsibility is it, of the girls or their parents?

When talking about two girls aged 5 and 7, we can ask ourselves if the responsibility of having a tidy and clean room belongs to them or their parents.

I am clear that they have an age in which they can and should participate with order and housework, especially so that mom and dad have time to be with them, as well as to understand that Every thing has its place, that you have to take care of things, and for them to value order. But from there to expect them to take care of the room goes a bit. And especially because if it is full of toys, clothes and boxes, it is clear that nobody is cleaning that room.

That one thing is that the house has a certain disorder because the parents do not give for more, but a very different one is that the norm is this, that everything is always everywhere and nobody takes care of it.

Other rooms that participated in the contest

They are not all girls or toddlers, there are teenagers too. I leave you with some of the rooms that opted for the prize ... I think the price deserves all:

What do you think? Is not too much? Come on, I wouldn't be surprised if social services were interested in knowing how these girls live. Maybe it's just a detail within a family that works perfectly, but it could be a clue that something might be failing.

Video: LAST To LEAVE This Video WINS $1,000! (July 2024).