When does the child need new shoes?

A new season arrives, the school year begins and it is time to renew the costumes. Even if they do not go to school, summer gives way to autumn and the feet are no longer uncovered. But will the new shoes last until winter? How to know when the child needs to change shoes?

When they are young and start walking they already need shoes (not before!), But they still have to spend a few years to be told that their feet hurt because they are tight. His fingers are very flexible and adapt to footwear, so we must be aware of the signs that tell us that shoes are no longer useful.

  • Check the child's feet once a month, especially if he already wears a certain shoe for some time. The foot grows at a rapid pace during the first years of life.

  • Check that the longest toe (usually the big toe, but it can also be the second) does not touch the toe but there is a space of at least one centimeter. If the space is smaller, you have to think about changing it.

  • The above is not easy to do according to which shoes, but another simpler way is that we can insert the finger through the back of the foot, between the child's heel and the shoe, without difficulty.

  • Check your child's feet to find chafing, redness, creases, broken nails or nails in the finger ...

  • Do not rely on numbers, which may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. Check that the shoe is doing well by following the steps above.

  • When in doubt, buy a larger shoe, it will last a little longer and will not hurt in a few days, avoiding malformations.

Recall that the foot of children grows a lot, at a very fast pace the first years, and that until the age of seven, footwear influences foot development and in his way of walking. Therefore it is important that at this stage the adequacy of the footwear is monitored and the purchase of a new pair is not delayed.


Video: TOMS - Gives new shoes to children in need. One for One. (July 2024).